Your online reputation is a key of success

Worldwide, 80 – 90% people have their online reputation which shows their characteristic, behaviour, field of interest and qualities (Good and bad both).

Using Internet, on the web people creates their own reputation some time intentionally or some time unintentionally, intentionally through blogs, photos, videos, links, or social media sites. Among all these resources blogs posting is a number one resource to become famous while writing comments on some topic and getting opinion (good or bad) from others, which automatically maintain your online reputation (Some time it is good or some time bad). Everyone can catch this information and use it to make decision about you.

Every day and every time, millions of people use internet for important and unimportant task. Every day they go to the numbers of legal and illegal sites to upload their profile and messages while can be seen by millions of users. So that, it is necessary to protect yourself while uploading anything, because your one wrong thing will make your reputation bad on the web (Internet). In this article we have tried to provide you some prevention technique to protect you while using or uploading anything through Internet.

Protective ways to maintain online reputation over Internet

Do the verification before uploading anything

Before uploading and sharing anything online, just think once that what you are uploading, with whom you are sharing your information, and how the information will reflect to your reputation. Specially, be careful while sharing your photos and videos with friends, relatives and any other person.

Protect the online reputation

The proverb “prevention is always better then cure” is true, the same thought follows with online reputation, act online in a manner that should not affects your online reputation, badly weather you are constructing an existing reputation, removing an old person, or making a new one.

Search on blogs site and social networking site

Review, what you have posted earlier or what others have posted about you on comments, pictures, or videos through blogs site and social networking sites (Facebook, alert(“XSS”);, and Twitter). You can also do the photo verification from photo-sharing sites like Flickr and Instagram.

Useful tricks while searching on different browsers

  • Search your full name, images and text on most popular browser which you use frequently like; Mozilla and IE. Also, if you ever uploaded your personal information with the help of different name, your nickname, middle name, initial name, or personal domain names like;, check these as well through browsers.

  • Use some tricks while searching to increase search effectiveness, just like; give quotation marks around your full name, mention the city name and other unique identity which only you follow.

  • If user gets any sensitive data like; credit card numbers, debit card numbers, grades, or health card information in the search results then quickly tell to the website owner to erase the data instantly.

  • Frequently, search on online directories and sites that collect public histories and websites / organizations to which you belong or spend time or money.

Observe the online reputation

After collecting all information from blogs, photos, videos and social networking site, just go through it and observe that what all information are given on internet is however reflecting your personality or reputation – in a good manner or in a bad manner? If the information makes your reputation good then leave it as it was earlier or if the information makes your reputation bad then change / delete it or can request to the site owner to erase it form the website.

Ignore poor spelling and grammar

Before posting anything on web, just check the spelling and grammar of whatever you have written to post, because your one wrong thing will bring your reputation down in the online market, forever. So, review the post again and again before posting it.

Be social on the web

Think of others reputation while posting anything about them because when you think good about others then definitely your will get the good result from them.

Professionally, share positive information about yourself

To keep your reputation best among others online, share only those things what other likes to see, for that join a professional networking site such as alert(“XSS”); or CareerBuilder, upload and share your profile and other information with your business or office close friends, ask their opinion about yourself. Comment on professionally-oriented blogs, join online forums, and examine books on subjects in which you have skilled. Whatever you write that should be very much clear and simple while reading by others with high quality images. Write frequently on a subject about which you are skilled.

Give separate information on professional and personal profiles

For different profiles give different email addresses, screen names, blogs, and websites, phone numbers, photos etc. Be careful while creating any profile or if you have created one then just go to the Settings and then Options will definitely help you to see and maintain your profile, you can also see that who all are monitoring your profile or photos, what all rights others have on your account and how to block unwanted access by others.


Seriously, online reputation is very, very important for those who earn money online, whose business and office task both are totally depends on their online behaviour. One wrong thing will stop their work.

Updated on: 23-Oct-2019


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