You Have a Cold. Why Does Your Stomach Hurt?

A lot of people get stomach aches from the cold this winter. Throughout the fall and winter, many people have stomach pain.

People with irritable bowel syndrome can have additional cold symptoms, including an unsettled stomach replete with discomfort, constipation, or diarrhea (IBS). You may experience diarrhea due to the virus, the antiviral medication you take, the stress and weariness you feel due to being sick, or a combination of these factors.

Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are not common cold symptoms, so having all three at once may indicate something more serious, like the flu. Consistently having these symptoms might lead to dehydration. Therefore, seeing a doctor is essential.

There are a few potential causes, and thankfully, you can take some easy steps to alleviate your symptoms.

Why do People have Stomachaches in the Winter?

Depending on factors including age, gender, and preexisting medical conditions, there can be many causes of an upset stomach in the winter. When the digestive tract ramps up its activity in the winter, eating cold or spicy meals may make stomach juices less stimulated. Moreover, indigestion can be triggered by constriction and poor blood circulation brought on by eating cold meals.

Restricting your food and trying other natural therapies are common recommendations from doctors for coping with abdominal discomfort and spasms. You may avoid getting a winter stomachache by incorporating the following practices into your routine.

Bad Eating Habits

Improper eating habits are a major contributor to digestive issues. This is a common cause of stomach upset (an uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen). Those in a similar position may feel sick and bloated and suffer from cramps and heartburn. The following are some causes for this −

  • The discomfort of fullness and the resulting indigestion are real risks of overeating. Moreover, having an upset stomach in the winter is made more likely by overindulging in alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and processed foods.

  • Bloating, gas and cramps are just some of the side effects of advocating a low-fiber diet. The main reason for this is that it becomes problematic for your digestive system to process.

  • Excess sugar in the diet can be hard for the intestines to absorb, leading to bloating and flatulence.

  • Consuming much fat at once might hinder digestion and lead to flatulence. High-fat diets should be avoided since they raise blood pressure and other cardiovascular-system illness risks.

Disorders in Health

The common cold, seasonal allergies, and other airborne illnesses are all more common in the winter. Being in a crowd increases your risk of catching a contagious disease, which can mess with your stomach. To make matters worse, you could unwittingly consume microorganisms that cause gastrointestinal distress. Most frequently associated with stomach discomfort are −

  • Sickness with an upset stomach (gastroenteritis)

  • Food poisoning

The best way to Avoid a Stomach ache with a Cold

Advocating for a well-rounded diet and eating warm food might help soothe an upset stomach. Our digestive tract is more vulnerable in the cold, so it's crucial to encourage well-chosen meals that will allow your body to digest with minimal difficulty. You may also consult a dietician for guidance in selecting a diet that is both high in calories and easy on the stomach. A frequent winter stomach ailment is avoided by following these steps −

  • Include seasonal produce like carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips, etc. in your diet

  • Stay away from raw and cold foods.

  • Have some hot tea or a warm drink.

  • Include ghee into your diet to feed the good bacteria in your digestive system.

  • Spicy condiments should be promoted (ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, clove, etc.)

  • Do some little exercise every day.

  • Keep up with your doctor's recommended checkup schedule.

Tips on What to Drink and Eat to Beat a Cold

While getting over a cold, drinking lots of water might help speed up the healing process. Nevertheless, the fluid type consumed is crucial since some drinks might cause irritable bowel syndrome. Experts warned that the sugars in soft drinks, apple juice, and grape juice might lead to bloating and diarrhea. One obvious choice is water.

Watch what you put in your body as much as what you put out. People feeling bloated often reach for carb-heavy comfort foods like bread or spaghetti, but these meals produce gas. Rice is a suitable alternative, according to experts.

Stay away from the things that may set off your IBS symptoms if you have digestive problems. Fat, onions, pears, high-fructose foods, sweetened beverages, sorbitol-containing foods (apples, grapes, diet gum), and dairy items are major culprits, though only you know your specific triggers.

Chicken soup and bed rest, the time-tested cure, is a top pick. Rest, Pickle conceded, is probably the best treatment. If you have IBS under normal circumstances, you should know your limitations and take it easy, giving your body more time to recover and fend off the cold.

Relieving Cold Stomach Pains

It may seem hopeless to treat an upset stomach, but several home cures are worth a try. The following is a list of suggestions that may help −

  • The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile tea make it a soothing beverage for stomach aches and cramps.

  • The anti-inflammatory qualities of ginger make it useful for treating indigestion symptoms, including nausea and gas discomfort. If you want to get the advantages of ginger, try drinking ginger tea or taking ginger capsules.

  • Fennel has carminative actions that alleviate bloating and other digestive disorders. Therefore, it has been used for ages as a stomach soother. To alleviate symptoms, try eating fresh fennel seeds or drinking fennel tea.

  • Juice from a fresh lemon - the acid in lemon juice is known to ease nausea and indigestion. If you want to test if drinking warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice will help you feel better, try doing it gently throughout the day.

  • Mint has a calming effect on the stomach due to its menthol, which is great for those who suffer from food sensitivities or acid reflux and have trouble digesting their meals. To quickly alleviate the discomfort of gas or bloating in your digestive tract, try drinking peppermint tea or chewing on a few leaves.


If you follow these tips, you can lessen the probability of getting a cold stomach this winter and speedily alleviate its symptoms if you do. To keep your digestive system in good working order, it's important to remember to pay attention to your needs and take care of yourself.

Updated on: 07-Mar-2023

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