Write a program in Python to filter armstrong numbers in a given series

Assume you have a series and the result for filtering armstrong numbers,

original series is
0    153
1    323
2    371
3    420
4    500
dtype: int64
Armstrong numbers are:-
0    153
2    371
dtype: int64

To solve this, we will follow the steps given below −

  • Define a series.

  • Create an empty list and set for loop to access all the series data.

  • Set armstrong intial value is 0 and create temp variable to store series elements one by one. It is defined below,

l = []
for val in data:
   armstrong = 0
   temp = val
  • Create while loop and check temp>0 and calculate remainder by temp%10. Add armstrong value by taking cube of remainder and divide the temp value by 10 until it reaches 0 to terminate the loop. It is defined below,

   rem = temp % 10
   armstrong = armstrong + (rem**3)
   temp = temp // 10
  • Set if condition to compare an original value against temp value. If it is matched, then append the values to the list.

  • Finally, check the list values present in the series using isin(). It is defined below,



Let’s see the below code to get a better implementation −

import pandas as pd
data = pd.Series([153,323,371,420,500])
print("original series is\n", data)
l = []
for val in data:
   armstrong = 0
   temp = val
      rem = temp % 10
      armstrong = armstrong + (rem**3)
      temp = temp // 10
print("Armstrong numbers are:-")


original series is
0    153
1    323
2    371
3    420
4    500
dtype: int64
Armstrong numbers are:-
0    153
2    371
dtype: int64

Updated on: 24-Feb-2021


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