Write a program in Python to filter City column elements by removing the unique prefix in a given dataframe

Assume you have a dataframe, the result for removing unique prefix city names are,

  Id  City
2 3 Kolkata
3 4 Hyderabad
6 7 Haryana
8 9 Kakinada
9 10 Kochin

To solve this, we will follow the steps given below −


  • Define a dataframe

  • Create an empty list to append all the city column values first char’s,

l = []
for x in df['City']:
  • Create another empty list to filter repeated char.

Set for loop and if condtion to append unique char’s. It is defined below,

l1 = []
for j in l:
      if(j not in l1):
  • Create another empty list. Set for loop to access city column values and check the elements first char is present in l1 then append it to another list.

l2 = []
for x in df['City']:
   if(x[0] in l1):
  • Finally, verify the l2 elements is present in the city column or not and print the dataframe using isin().



Let’s check the following code to get a better understanding −

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Id':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
                     'City':['Chennai','Delhi','Kolkata','Hyderabad','Pune','Mumbai','Haryana','B engaluru','Kakinada','Kochin']
l = []
for x in df['City']:
l1 = []
for j in l:
      if(j not in l1):
l2 = []
for x in df['City']:
   if(x[0] in l1):


 Id   City
2 3 Kolkata
3 4 Hyderabad
6 7 Haryana
8 9 Kakinada
9 10 Kochin

Updated on: 25-Feb-2021


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