World Environment Day

Introduction: What is World Environment Day?

The environment is being increasingly destroyed by human beings with the passing of time and there is a need for awareness about this among the masses. General population is not interested in living a sustainable life and therefore, for both of these two reasons, a special event is needed to make the real change. As the name suggests, the World Environment Day is observed to bring awareness, and pay necessary justice to the environment. It has been observed on 5 June from 1973 till now by the United Nations.

The United Nations Environment Program is the function that operates the event. The day is special because it draws the attention of all country members of the UN and special tasks are accomplished through events that are observed around the world.

The world environment day has enough significance in terms of protection of nature and the environment. It brings forward the otherwise hidden objective of protecting and preserving nature, wildlife and forests so that the balance of the earth’s ecosystem could be managed.

Many programs that increase awareness, show the vividness of nature and offer insights into the environmental balance are showcased as part of the event on 5th June every year. To mark the event, world leaders and agencies take part and reassure their objectives to keep the environment clean and green.

Objectives of World Environment Day

Nature is being constantly hurt by human beings as an irreversible path of natural damage is done by humans in the name of progress and prosperity. Today's human lives are full of gadgets, vehicles and industries that are highly polluting and hazardous in nature. Moreover, with new technologies taking shape every new day, nature and the environment have been increasingly destroyed by human beings. The world environment day is observed to bring human attention to these facts. It shows the data in figures how humans have destroyed nature and also showcases the pathways to revive the environment from the clutches of destruction.

Another objective of the special day is to provide a platform to the world leaders to discuss, define and dialogue on the environment destruction features. It also lets them take measurable action against such destructive measures so that the environment can heal to a large extent. Although bringing the environment to its original form after a series of destruction is almost impossible, the nature of the environment can be healed to a large extent if proper care is taken by human beings. That is why the world environment day is important for human bodies to bring about a change in the world environmental status.

The world environment day also offers an opportunity to the associated government bodies to identify, and reward the agencies and human beings who work for the protection of the environment. As these organizations and humans largely remain unseen in popular media, the world environment day takes special care to bring forward these hidden entities in front of the media. This encourages many people to dedicate themselves for the causes of protection of mother nature and conservation of the environment through a host of corrective measures. There is no doubt therefore that the world environment day is one of the most influential and massive events dedicated to the environment till date.

The world environment day also lets the member nations of the UN host a number of events in their home countries to revive the cleanliness and purity of the environment. This helps in identifying the resources and creating opportunities to get great returns from the use of natural resources. As most of the Nations ignore the causes related to the environment in general, the special day makes them active and aware about the importance of protecting the environment. Hence, it is a special day that is observed for inciting the UN member nations for the causes of the environment.

Only One Earth

Only One Earth was the slogan for the first UN conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972. This year, that event has reached an important milestone of 5 years and hence, the UN is celebrating the event with a special gesture. Many events are planned in the grand ceremony that will be held in Sweden in 2022.

Only One Earth slogan was made to indicate that we have only one planet and hence destruction of the environment of the planet is harmful and could be disastrous for human beings. This means that we must protect our only planet from pollution and degradation by taking active measures.

The event in Sweden will host many programs associated with the environment and nature. It will showcase how forests and wildlife have been affected due to human activities. The programs will also seek measures to revive the natural environment and bring back the cleanliness of the environment that has been lost due to human ignorance and misactivity.

Making Sustainable Living a Habit

The UN program on Human environment pays enough respect to sustainability and wants to make it a habit for all human beings. By turning our activities in sync with nature, we may create a sustainable environment that is far more livable and clean for all of us.

However, it is also true that the destruction of the environment is now reaching maximum limits, and if we continue with our polluting and hazardous activities without a check, the environment may get destroyed to an irreparable level. That is why making sustainable living a habit is the need of the hour for today’s world.

Another important note attached to sustainable living is that it is not as tough as it sounds. If we follow certain measures and apply them in our day to day lives, we can reach sustainability within a few years’ time. However, for that a huge awareness program would be necessary. The world environment day could be the right platform for such an achievement and it would really make the events magnanimous.

Key Takeaways

  • The World Environment Day is Observed on 5th June every year by the UN.

  • The main objective of world environment day is to bring about a real awareness among masses about the conservation and protection of the environment.

  • The first conference on Human Environment by the United Nations was held in Stockholm in 1972.

  • To mark the completion of 5 years of the Stockholm event special programs are planned by the UN for this year's world environment day.


The world environment day is a very special and important event that makes world leaders and general people aware about their duties toward the environment. It is probably the only occasion of such grandeur that is dedicated to the environment and nature. That is why it is so important and necessary for human beings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qns.When and where was the first UN conference on Human Environment held?

Ans.The first conference on Human Environment of the UN was held in Stockholm in 1972.

Qns.Where will this year’s UN conference on Human Environment be held?

Ans.The United Nations Conference on Human Environment for 2022 will be held in Sweden.

Qns.What is one of the most major goals of world environment day?

Ans.Making the world leaders and the general population aware about environmental protection and conservation is one of the most major goals of the world environment day.

Updated on: 15-Nov-2023


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