Society and Environment


The Society and the Environment are interlinked. The status and quality of the environment determine the nature of the conditions in which a society exists. Therefore, it is important to learn about the conditions of the environment of which the societies are a part.

As the debate of changing climatic conditions affect the normal behavior of societies around the world, it has become more important to check the relationship between the environment on individuals as well as societies in a detailed manner.

Human beings have been harming the ecosystem of the world through their activities for a long time. Our vehicles, industries, and homes are the sources of pollutants, and we do nothing about it. Therefore, we must not be amazed to see an imbalance in the environment that directly or indirectly threatens our existence on this planet.

Climate Change

Although people are more aware of global warming than climate change, the latter includes both cyclical increases and decreases of temperature in various parts of the world and hence is more convenient for discussion. Climate change has affected all parts of the globe and it has been found that extreme weather conditions, such as floods and excess snowfall are direct responses to climate change.

Climate change affects societies dangerously. Although the full potential of climate change has not been experienced by humans yet, the signs of it are enough horrific. Floods and extreme weather conditions may let societies displace from their original habitats due to climate change. Moreover, as characteristics of climate change such as the melting of ice threaten to inundate many lower regions of the world, it is a direct threat to humanity.

We all know that climate change is real, but we have done nothing substantial to counter the menace. It has been found that corporate and business houses are responsible for climate change but there has been no contemporary discussion to limit them from harming the environment. Therefore, unless a solid regulation to maintain the environment is formulated, climate change would carry on to destabilize our living standards and economies irrespective of where or what we live.


The environment can contain up to a certain amount of contaminants without losing its properties and valuable qualities. However, when the amount of contaminants goes above critical points, the effects of pollution occur. It may be catastrophic in nature.

Water Pollution

As per expert research, two children die due to lack of access to clean drinking water on this planet every 30 seconds. Although 70% of the world is water, the usable water for human beings is limited. Therefore, we must be aware of the activities that destroy usable water for human beings. The major diseases in developing nations, such as cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid are caused by polluted water. Still, it is a fact that many children skip school to go to a distant place to collect pure drinking water.

The situation is getting direr with the passing of time. As industries leave their waste in the river streams, the water we can collect from rivers is getting limited. The same is the story for ponds due to the use of chemicals, such as pesticides. We must understand that water is a valuable resource for society and we must conserve it. Otherwise, the whole of humanity may get into trouble with access to clean water.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is probably the most notable destruction human beings have made to the environment. In big cities with heavy industries, like those in China, there is a severe issue of air pollution. People are suffering from serious cardiovascular diseases. Sometimes, smog gets so thick in cities like Beijing that airplanes cannot pass through them due to a lack of clear vision.

In India’s capital Children cannot go to school due to the alarming levels of air pollution. People undoubtedly are paying heavy prices for their own activities that pollute the air. It is not just diseased; people actually die in large numbers due to air pollution. The problem is so severe that governments have to interfere to stop the severity of the condition. Until we get our resolutions rectified to make responsible industries and vehicles responsible and therefore act to reduce the pollution levels, we cannot be sure of a solution to air pollution. And, this must be a responsibility shared by all.

Soil Degradation

Image: Soil degradation venn diagram, shows some attributing factors, causes, and effects.

Soil issues include soil erosion and desertification. It has been observed that these are two areas where immediate scientific solutions must be applied so that soils that are central to human beings’ needs may remain safe.

One of the main reasons for soil degradation is the burgeoning population. The need for food grew exponentially in a matter of few decades and the demand for food also grew unprecedentedly. To contain this demand, scientists tried to accept cheap solutions such as chemical manures and pesticides. These increased the food but ultimately led to poor quality of the soil. Continuous use of chemicals on soils made them unfertile and unusable for farming later on.

The threats such as soil erosion and desertification are real threats to humanity and we must be aware of the ill effects of chemicals on the soil to prevent further degradation of soils. This also impacts the food quality because manures make vegetables and fruits less tasty and less nutrient−rich. All of these points must be considered to get a solution for soil that is free from erosion and desertification.

Toxic Waste

As we move into the next era of power generation, the use of radioactive materials and their waste must be considered well ahead of their use. These wastes are toxic in nature and may be carcinogenic in nature too. Therefore, while dumping them, safer standards must be developed first. We have seen the urgency of looking for a safer place in the case of the Chornobyl and Fukushima power plants. We must not push the societies that live nearby nuclear plants to get exposed to toxic waste that are lethal in nature.


It is important to improve the conditions of the environment to build a safer, more secure, and more liveable society. However, human activities are paying no heed to these requirements. That is why issues such as climate change and toxicity are affecting the lives of many people. We must take planned steps to meet these burning issues of our times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qns 1. What is the proportion of water on Earth? Are they all useful?

Ans. Although 70% of the world is water, the usable water for human beings is limited.

Qns 2. Why safer standards of use must be prepared before the use of radioactive materials?

Ans. As we move into the next era of power generation, the use of radioactive materials and their waste must be considered well ahead of their use. These wastes are toxic in nature and may be carcinogenic in nature too. Therefore, while dumping them, safer standards must be developed first.

Qns 3. What are the two most pertinent soil issues?

Ans. Soil issues include soil erosion and desertification.

Updated on: 15-Nov-2023


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