Why the Cloud Is Safer Than You Think?


The cloud is a highly secure data storage option. However, getting used to the idea that your information is not safe under your roof takes some time. But rather somewhere else under the care of strangers, overall, it is worth it. A growing number of businesses are adopting this concept.

Top Reasons Why the Cloud Is Safer Than You Think

1. Public cloud providers invest heavily in security innovation

Most public cloud providers have built their entire business on the cloud platform. In addition to providing customers with a hosting environment for their workloads, public cloud providers also host the PaaS and SaaS services that drive the company's core operations on the same IaaS platform.

As a result, infrastructure and cloud service security are given top priority and appropriate funding. Public cloud providers spend billions on security research, development, and protection. It is only necessary to look at the researchers credited with discovering vulnerabilities to notice that the names of public cloud providers are frequently mentioned.

2. Controlled Access

Employees, vendors, and visitors are physically separated from a company's mission−critical data when stored off−site in the Cloud. Because there is no physical access, it is more difficult for third parties to find data and use it negatively. There is less risk to people.

3. A multifaceted approach

Software and cloud use may be subject to more strict regulations in some sectors, such as finance and healthcare. Cyber threats can be mitigated before they become full−blown attacks with a multi−layered approach that meets compliance requirements. Cloud service providers integrate risk management and data loss prevention using software−based and physical security solutions.

Cloud service providers create solutions that meet the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). These solutions combine policy enforcement, management systems, and encryption.

4. Careful monitoring

Cloud service providers can shut down any part of a system if something compromises the platform or service's overall security because they can monitor resources, components, and compliance with policies. Governance and transparency apply equally to the cloud and the internal data center.

5. Newer Tech Is More Secure

The public cloud is simple because it does not rely on outdated technology. The majority of on−premises systems, also known as legacy systems, are made up of parts from various computer eras, a mix of technology from the past few decades. When you consider it, it shouldn't come as a surprise.

As of now, outdated technology in terms of software and hardware is not advanced enough to provide adequate protection against intrusion. The system becomes vulnerable to intruders. Because this new technology doesn't have to deal with trying to make all of these parts work together, cloud storage avoids this trap. The saying goes, "The more complicated the plumbing, the easier it is to clog the drain!" this applies to cloud storage, which is clean and straightforward.

6. Resilience to threats

Cyberattacks are a part of digital life today. They are so prevalent that security best practices recommend assuming a compromise at each design and protection layer. Layered defenses and the capacity to respond to and recover quickly from incidents and attacks are essential for highly resilient networks and systems.

To make it more difficult for attackers to break through one barrier, layered defenses create multiple barriers. At the same time, the steps that attackers take to successfully compromise or steal data get harder and take more time. These tiered defenses can vary depending on the network's age and geography in traditional networks.

Cloud architectures, however, are uniform, allowing for continuous logging and monitoring and uniform application of the tiered defense. In the end, the cloud is resilient because the instrumentation used to detect and respond to threats is much more widespread and sophisticated.

7. Patching and security management are consistent

The most common causes of security breaches in businesses are configuration errors and vulnerabilities that have not been patched, according to Verizon's most recent security research. Security administration and patching are challenging tasks in conventional networks.

Critical systems may be difficult to patch due to a lack of network isolation and a centralized administration point. Since every security product comes with its management console, and the typical company will have more than twenty of them, mistakes are inevitable. On the other hand, the public cloud is structured to provide centralized mechanisms for patching and security administration. Most of the time, infrastructure patching is handled entirely by the cloud provider without the customer's involvement.

The tools to patch virtualized operating systems and components on a schedule and at a time that minimizes disruption even when the customer requests it is available in the cloud. Security policy and administrative controls work similarly. Enforcement points, sensors, and the management console are all part of the cloud infrastructure, and customer cloud estate administration is part of the management console.


Here in this article, we have seen some important reasons why the cloud is safer than we think. We have seen how organizations are investing in high security, how we can control the access of some resources to specific groups, multilayered approaches to cloud computing, careful monitoring of resources, and how cloud providers are dealing with cyber−attacks.

Updated on: 01-Nov-2022


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