Why is Rust Programming language loved so much?

Being voted as the most loved language for four consecutive years, Rust has come a long way.

Originally designed as a low-level language, best suited for embedded, systems and critical performance code, it has gained a lot of traction and not stopping yet.

Rust also has found its way in web developments and also provides a great opportunity for game developers.

So, why is Rust so much loved? Let’s explore some of the reasons why it is so popular and loved.

Fearless Concurrency

Concurrency and parallelism have become more significant in today’s scenario. The number of cores is increasing in computers to support concurrency, but many of the programmers aren’t fully prepared to utilize the power of multiple cores. Handling the concurrent programs in an efficient manner is one of the major goals of Rust language.

Rust’s leveraging ownership and type-checking makes sure that many errors that occur because of concurrency become compile errors instead of runtime errors. It enables the developers to fix the errors while writing the programs, rather than fixing the issues after the project has been shipped to production or somewhere else.

Rust also offers a variety of tools that helps in solving majority of concurrency issues.

Error Handling

Errors are inevitable, no matter which programming language you use. They are a part of the process, but the process becomes much smoother if the language you’re using provides an efficient way to handle these errors.

Rust provides a convenient way to handle the errors, it divides the errors into two types − unrecoverable errors and recoverable errors.

There’s nothing like exceptions in Rust. Instead, it includes a type Result<T,E> for recoverable errors.

For unrecoverable errors, we have the panic! marco that stops the execution when the program encounters an unrecoverable error.

Automatic Garbage Collection

In some systems languages, Garbage collection and non-memory resources often create problems.

Rust removes the possibilities of any such failures, as the garbage collection is taken care of by RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization).

Better safety checks

Rust compiler helps in ensuring memory safety and other checks that make the programming language safe. It also handles different cases where the programmer need not worry about dangling pointers or using an object that has been freed.

Rust also includes an unsafe keyword which allows a programmer to disable checks that would normally result in a compilation error.


Organizing code in a manner that allows us to reuse it in some other sections have become a major requirement. Rust provides a great support for organizing code as packages that other programmers can use. These modules can be either public or private in nature.

Updated on: 20-Feb-2021


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