What is TrickBot?

We have heard a lot about malware and its harmful nature. One of the most well-known kinds of malware is TrickBot. It began as a banking malware in 2016. It snatched financial credentials and handed them on to thieves. Since then, hazardous malware has developed.

What is TrickBot?

TrickBot (also known as "TrickLoader") is a well-known financial Trojan that preys on both companies and customers for sensitive information such as banking credentials, account credentials, personally identifiable information (PII), and even bitcoins. It can adapt to whatever place or network it finds itself in since it is a highly modular virus.

The Trojan's makers' inventiveness and agility are credited with the Trojan's several tricks since its discovery in 2016. TrickBot has been given the ability to move laterally and obtain a foothold within an afflicted network via vulnerabilities, spread copies of itself via Server Message Block (SMB) shares, and drop other malware like Ryuk ransomware, and scout for documents and media files on infected host machines.

How does TrickBot Spread?

TrickBot, like Emotet, infects computers using malicious email (malspam) campaigns that include embedded URLs or infected attachments.

TrickBot travels laterally inside the network after being executed by exploiting the SMB vulnerability with one of the three well-known NSA exploits −

  • EternalBlue,

  • EternalRomance, or

  • EternalChampion.

TrickBot can also be spread via Emotet as part of a secondary infection.

Why TrickBot is Dangerous?

  • TrickBot has multiple uses − Isn't it awful enough that your online bank login details have been stolen? There's more to come! Other information that TrickBot may access includes email accounts, system and network information, tax information, and so on. TrickBot has the potential to start sending spam emails. It can then spread to additional victims in this manner. At least 250 million email accounts are thought to have been hacked. It can also provide a backdoor to your system, allowing it to be accessed remotely and utilized in a botnet.

  • It downloads further malware − TrickBot is malware that infects your computer. It infiltrates your computer under the pretext of something innocuous. This usually refers to an email attachment, such as a PDF document. Once inside a system, it will almost certainly download other infections.

  • Malware may be tweaked to serve new purposes − TrickBot can do and be a variety of things, right? This is due to the fact that it is modular malware, which means that no two infections are the same. Various functions may be included depending on the version utilised by the attacker. These versions may also download new features and update themselves. That is why it is so popular among cyber thieves. They may tweak it and improve it to make it more efficient and lucrative.

  • TrickBot isn't going away anytime soon − TrickBot isn't going gone anytime soon, unfortunately. Its numerous features and potential for further development make it a popular and lucrative weapon for cyber thieves.

Who Does TrickBot Target?

Anyone looked to be a target of TrickBot at first. However, its objectives appear to have narrowed in recent years, such as Outlook or T-Mobile subscribers. During tax season, TrickBot has been discovered masquerading as tax-related spam.

DeepInstinct researchers discovered a database of collected email addresses and/or messenger credentials from millions of users in 2019. These are Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, and MSN users.

How Can I Defend Myself from TrickBot?

Knowing how TrickBot works is the first step in understanding how businesses and consumers can protect themselves.

  • Look for potential Indicators of Compromise (IOC) by using tools built for this purpose, such as the Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST). This will help you find infected devices on your network.

  • Isolate infected devices from the network once they've been detected.

  • Patches for the vulnerabilities exploited by TrickBot may be downloaded and installed.

  • Allow administrative shares to be disabled.

  • Change the passwords for all local and domain administrators

  • Use a cybersecurity package with multi-layered protection to defend yourself from a TrickBot infestation. TrickBot is detected and blocked in real-time by Malwarebytes business and premium consumer solutions.

Updated on: 28-Dec-2021


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