What is the full form of URI?

What is URI?

URI stands for Upper Respiratory Infection. Respiratory infections are of two types which are −

  • Upper Respiratory Infection

  • Lower Respiratory Infection

Mostly the organs affected by URI include the throat and sinus. There are different types of problems that occur in upper respiratory infections. They include −

  • Common cold

  • Epiglottitis

  • Laryngitis

  • Pharyngitis (sore throat)

  • Sinusitis (sinus infection)

Upper respiratory infections are contagious in nature and easily transfer from one person to another if care is not taken. If you come in contact with an infected person and shake hands and then put your hands on your nose, mouth, or eyes, you may catch the infection.

What is Lower Respiratory Infection?

Airways and lungs are affected when people suffer from the lower respiratory infection. These infections are more serious than URI and take a long time to recover. If they are not treated immediately, they can be life-threatening. The conditions that come under the lower respiratory infection are as follows −

  • Bronchitis

  • Bronchiolitis

  • Chest infection

  • Pneumonia

Symptoms of URI

The symptoms of URI are as follows −

  • Cough

  • Sneeze

  • Fever

  • Change in the voice

  • Fatigue

  • Loss of energy

  • Red eyes

  • Sore throat

  • Runny nose

Duration of URI

You can suffer from the upper respiratory infection and its duration can be one to two weeks depending on the severity of the infection. You can feel better by having medications and home remedies like drinking hot water, gargling, steaming, etc. You always have to keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids.

Causes of URI

There are many factors that lead to URI. You may get infected by a bacteria or virus which may enter your respiratory system. These germs can enter your body when you touch an infected surface or person and then touch your body parts like eyes, nose, mouth, etc. from where the germs enter your body and move to the respiratory system.

Mostly children are easily infected by these germs as they are always in contact with other children in school but adults can also get easily infected. People who already have heart and lung problems can also get easily affected by these germs. People having weak immune system can be severely infected.

Diagnosis of URI

You will have to go through a physical exam taken by a doctor so that the infection can be diagnosed on the basis of your system. The nose, ears, and throat are the main parts that will be examined. They will also check your chest to know about the quality of your breathing. If your doctor tells you that you are suffering from a chest or lung infection, you have to go for other tests which include −

  • Lung x-ray and CT scan

  • Lung function test

  • Throat and nasal swab

  • Sputum test

Types of URI

There are different types of URIs and we will discuss them here in detail.

Common Cold

There are more than 200 different kinds of viruses that cause common cold. The common cold has no cure and It goes on its own. You may take steam or gargle to feel better. People of any age can be infected by the common cold. Here are a few things about the common cold −

  • It can occur at any age

  • You may suffer from different kinds of symptoms

  • There are various means like saliva, phlegm, or mucus through which the infections occur

  • It takes about 7 to 10 days to get cured

  • It can also cause ear, eye, and throat infections


The trachea is the breathing tube and epiglottitis is its top part and is located at the far back portion of the mouth. Its inflammation can be serious as the airway will be blocked and will cause breathing problems. If you face this problem, contact with your doctor immediately. The symptoms of this condition are as follows −

  • Fever

  • The throat is sored severely

  • Breathing problem

  • Problem in swallowing

You need to go to the hospital for a check-up and treatment. The doctor will check the oxygen level in your body and will protect your airway. In the case of low oxygen levels, doctors will provide you with more oxygen. In the case of bacterial infection, you will have to take antibiotics and steroids will be given for reducing the swelling.


The larynx is the organ which is the voice box. Its inflammation is called laryngitis. This condition happens when the upper part of the airway is infected by viruses. The change of voice is the main symptom of laryngitis. The voice will become hoarse and the volume will be very low. You may also not be able to speak in severe conditions. Sore throat and difficulty in swallowing are the other problems you may face. Take steam and use medicines that can suppress cough. No antibiotics are needed to cure the condition.


Another name for the sore throat is pharyngitis. Virus is the reason behind the sore throat. You can also get strep throat infection through the streptococcus bacteria. Strep throat is a problem that occurs in children whose age is in the range of 5 and 15 years. The doctor will conduct a strep test to know whether it is a bacterial infection or not. Doctors will provide antibiotics if you have a strep throat infection.

Sinus Infection

Sinus infection in biological terms is known as sinusitis. The inflammation of the sinus is the reason behind this infection. Sinuses are hollow spaces and their location can be found at the back of the bones of your face. The areas where sinuses are located include −

  • Cheeks

  • Behind forehead

  • Behind eyebrows

  • Side of the nose bridge

  • In front of the brain

Read more…

Sinus infection causes, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis

How to Get Rid of a Sinus Infection?

6 sinus infection self-treatment mistakes to avoid

Respiratory infections in children

Children easily catch respiratory infections as they are constantly in touch with other children in school. Siblings may also get infections easily. Some of the common respiratory infections that occur in children are −

  • Common cold

  • Bronchitis

  • Croup

  • Ear infections

  • Pink eye

  • Sinus infection

  • Sore throat


The treatment of URI depends on the type of infection and its severity. If URI is caused by bacteria, doctors would provide antibiotics. Different medicines are provided for viral infection.


URI Stands for Upper Respiratory Infection. This is a disease where people may suffer from the common cold, cough, sinus infection, laryngitis, and many more. The treatment of the disease is also dependent on the organ that is affected.


FAQ 1: What is the full form of URI?

Ans − URI stands for Upper Respiratory Infection.

FAQ 2: Which parts of the body are infected through URI?

Ans − The body parts that are infected include the larynx, throat, nose, etc.

FAQ 3: What is the cause of URI?

Ans − URI can be caused by viruses and bacteria.

FAQ 4: How can URI be treated?

Ans − The treatment of URI depends upon the organ infected and its severity. For bacterial infection, the doctor provides antibiotics while other medications are provided for viral infection.

FAQ 5: How many types of respiratory infections are there?

Ans − There are two types of respiratory infections which include

  • Upper Respiratory Infection

  • Lower Respiratory Infection

Updated on: 06-Feb-2024


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