What is the full form of PID?

What is PID?

PID stands for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. It is a disease of the female reproductive organ when the bacteria present in the vagina are transferred to the fallopian tubes, uterus, or ovaries. If the disease is not treated, it can result in the development of a scar in a tissue and infected fluid will flow in the reproductive tract. Such a condition can permanently damage the reproductive organs.

If a woman suffers from this disease, she may not feel any symptoms. It can cause problems in getting pregnant and chronic pelvic pain may also occur.

Symptoms of PID

PID may have mild to severe symptoms. Mild symptoms are usually not shown but severe ones are felt. Some of these symptoms are as follows −

  • Pain which can be either mild or severe

  • Heavy discharge from the vagina

  • Discharge from the vagina has a bad odor

  • Unusual bleeding after sex and during periods

  • Fever

  • Urination is difficult and painful

Condition When Visiting a Doctor is Necessary

If you find the symptoms mentioned below, it is necessary to visit a doctor −

  • Low abdomen has severe pain

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Putting down something is difficult

  • Fever above 101 F

  • Foul discharge from the vagina

If the symptoms of PID are mild, it is better to visit a doctor before anything severe occurs.

Causes of PID

There are different types of bacteria that can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. The most common infections can be caused by the following two bacteria −

  • Gonorrhoea

  • Chlamydia

These bacteria can enter the reproductive system during the menstrual period or after childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion. If there is a need to insert an Intrauterine tube for a long time, it can also lead to the entrance of bacteria in the reproductive tract.

There are a few other causes which can lead to the risk of PID. These causes are as follows −

  • Women under the age of 25 years are sexually very active

  • More than one sexual partner

  • Sexual relationship with a partner who already has multiple partners

  • Not using a condom during sex

  • Genetics

Types of Complications in PID

If the PID is not treated, it can lead to different types of complications, and some of them are discussed here.

Ectopic Pregnancy

One of the major complications caused due to PID is ectopic pregnancy which occurs due to the creation of scar tissue in the fallopian tubes when PID is not treated. Fertilized eggs are unable to travel to the fallopian tubes due to this tissue so its implantation occurs in the fallopian tube. In such cases a lot of bleeding can occur that can also result in death.


If the reproductive organs are damaged due to PID, it can lead to infertility and the patient will never be able to become pregnant. If you have suffered from PID repeatedly, you can face the problem of infertility.

Chronic Pelvic Pain

PID can lead to the problem of Chronic Pelvic Pain. This problem can be faced by a patient for months or even years. The pain is caused when the fallopian tubes have scars and other pelvic organs.

Turbo Ovarian Abscess

PID may lead to the accumulation of pus in the reproductive tract. Fallopian tubes and ovaries are affected due to the pus. Pus can also form in the uterus and pelvic organs. This should be treated immediately as it can be a threat to life.

How to Prevent PID?

There are many things that can be done to prevent PID and some of them are discussed here.

Safe Sex

Safe sexual intercourse should be practiced and the number of partners should be reduced.

Talk About Contraception

Contraceptions are of many types and are unable to provide protection and prevention from PID. In such a case, a condom should be used to reduce the risk.

Go for a Test

If there are any chances of STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections), it is better to go for a test. If the infection is tested and treated early, there will be no or very less complications and chances of PID will also be diminished.

Testing of the Partner

You can ask your partner to go for a test for STI or PID. The partner can be tested and treated if PID or STI is there.

Treatment of PID

If you suffer from PID, your doctor will recommend antibiotics which you have to take for at least 14 days. There are chances that the infection may not fully go and in such a case you have to be admitted to a hospital for the treatment. Do not stop taking medicines if the symptoms have improved. If you still have symptoms after taking antibiotics, doctors will use the IV tubes to provide antibiotics.

Difference Between UTI and PID

UTI can be expanded to Urinary Tract Infection. There are many differences between PID and UTI and some of them can be found in the table below −

PID is an infection that occurs in females only UTI is an infection that occurs in males and females
Female reproductive system is affected The urinary system, urethra, and bladder are affected
It is a sexually transmitted infection No sexually transmitted infection
Pain occurs in the upper abdomen Pain occurs in the side abdomen
Vagina is affected Urethra is affected
Chronic pelvic pain Severe infection in the kidney


PID is a disease in females which can lead to damage to the reproductive system and also cause infertility so females cannot become pregnant. PID does not show any symptoms at the initial stage but later, patients start feeling pain. PID has to be treated as early as possible for a safe pregnancy.


Q 1 − What is the full form of PID?

Ans − The full form of PID is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

Q 2 − Who suffers from this disease?

Ans − This disease occurs in females only in their reproductive tract.

Q 3 − Are PID and UTI same?

Ans − No! PID occurs in the reproductive tract of females while UTI occurs in the urinary system of males and females

Q 4 − Does the patient feel any symptoms at the initial stage?

Ans − No symptoms are found at the initial stage.

Q 5 − What is the treatment of PID?

Ans − Patients have to take antibiotics for at least 14 days or as per the prescription of the doctor.

Updated on: 19-Jan-2024


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