What is the full form of GRE?


Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is used to wrap one protocol packet within another protocol packet. It is a tunneling technology that is used to encapsulate other protocols into IP packets, including IP, IPX, and AppleTalk. This encapsulation's goal is to enable data transfer across an IP network that would otherwise be impossible because of network limitations.

Through the usage of GRE tunnels, two network devices may virtually connect to one another through an IP network, such as the Internet. The old packet is encapsulated in the new IP packet by the GRE tunnel, which also inserts a new IP header with the source and destination IP addresses of the two tunnel ends.

The encapsulated packet is subsequently sent through the IP network, where it is handled like an ordinary IP packet by the intermediate routers. The original packet is sent to its destination after being decapsulated when it reaches the opposite end of the tunnel.

Benefits of Generic Routing Encapsulation

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) has a number of advantages for networking −

  • Tunneling − Data may be sent across networks that would not otherwise enable it thanks to GRE's ability to encapsulate one kind of packet inside another. This makes GRE a crucial protocol for creating large-scale networks since it makes it possible to link networks in a manner that would be impossible without it.

  • Protocol Independence − GRE may encapsulate any kind of protocol packet since it is protocol-independent. Due to its adaptability, it may be used to support a variety of applications, such as IP, IPX, and AppleTalk.

  • Network Flexibility − GRE offers a method for establishing a fictitious point-to- point connection between two network devices via an IP network. This makes it possible to join networks in a flexible way without being constrained by the physical design of the network.

  • Security − By encrypting the encapsulated packets, GRE may be used to establish a secure VPN. This makes it practical for establishing connections between distant locations and a main network across unreliable networks like the Internet.

  • Reduced Network Overhead − GRE may be used to encapsulate enormous quantities of data with just a little effect on network speed because of its very tiny overhead on packet size.

Configuration of Generic Routing Encapsulation

The methods listed below may be used to setup Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) on a network −

  • Find the IP addresses of the GRE tunnel's endpoints' source and destination. The GRE tunnel interface will be built using these IP addresses.

  • Set up the router that will serve as the GRE tunnel's source. Create a tunnel interface and give it the IP address that will serve as the tunnel endpoint to do this. Additionally, the GRE protocol should be set up for usage on the tunnel interface.

  • Set up the router that will serve as the GRE tunnel's final destination. Create a tunnel interface and give it the IP address that will serve as the tunnel endpoint to do this. Additionally, the GRE protocol should be set up for usage on the tunnel interface.

  • Establish routing protocols that use the GRE tunnel. To do this, add routes that utilise the tunnel interface as the next step to the routing database.

Sending packets over the GRE tunnel will allow you to check that it is functioning properly by encapsulating and transmitting them correctly.Here is an example of a GRE tunnel configuration −

On the source router

interface Tunnel0

ip address

tunnel source

tunnel destination

tunnel mode gre ip

On the destination router

interface Tunnel0

ip address

tunnel source

tunnel destination

tunnel mode gre ip

In this example, The IP addresses of the source and destination routers are and, respectively. Both routers' tunnel interfaces have been given the IP addresses and, respectively. GRE using the IP protocol is selected as the tunnel mode.

Limitations of Generic Routing Encapsulation

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is a practical and flexible protocol, however it has significant limitations −

  • Overhead − The original packet becomes larger when GRE adds an extra header, which might result in more network overhead. This may have an effect on network performance, particularly when lots of data is being sent.

  • MTU Issues − The extra GRE header may potentially result in problems with MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). Fragmentation may happen if the packet size is larger than the network's MTU, which may hurt both performance and transmission reliability.

  • Security − By encrypting the encapsulated packets, GRE offers some amount of security, but it is not a secure protocol by itself. If robust encryption is necessary, extra security measures like IPSec must be put in place.

  • Limited Support − Even though GRE is a commonly used protocol, not all networking equipment supports it. This may restrict the usage of GRE in some network settings.

  • Configuration Complexity − GRE configuration may be difficult, particularly when many routers are involved. When implementing sophisticated features like encryption and authentication, the setup might become much more complicated.


In conclusion, the flexible protocol known as Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) offers a number of advantages for networking. It is a key protocol for creating large- scale networks because it allows the encapsulation of one protocol packet within another. GRE is a helpful protocol for a variety of applications since it is protocol- independent, network-flexible, and security-focused.


Q 1: What is the difference between GRE and IPsec?

Both GRE and IPsec are protocols for tunneling packets, but their approaches to security are different. GRE lacks security compared to IPsec, which offers both encryption and authentication. When more robust security is necessary, IPsec is often used.

Q 2: Can GRE be used for multicast traffic?

Yes, GRE is applicable to multicast traffic. It is possible to send multicast traffic across a network that does not natively support it by encapsulating it in a GRE tunnel, which sends the multicast traffic to all destinations that are accessible via the tunnel.

Q 3: Can GRE be used for IPv6 traffic?

Yes, Using GRE is possible for IPv6 communication. Any protocol, including IPv6 packets, may be tunneled using GRE since it is protocol-independent. However, while utilising GRE for IPv6 traffic, network managers should take into account the extra overhead and MTU problems that may occur.

Updated on: 21-Nov-2023


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