What is the full form of FPO?


Follow-on Public Offer (FPO) is a sort of stock issue, a publicly exchanged company may raise more cash. An FPO happens when a firm issues extra offers after completing its initial public offering (IPO) in arrange to raise capital for expansion or to realize other financial objectives.

This sort of advertising may be diluted or non-diluted depending on whether the extra offers being advertised are freshly issued or existing offers being sold by the company's current proprietors. FPOs are usually underwritten by speculation banks, but they too require administrative consent.

Process of FPO

A follow-on public offering (FPO), in which the company issues additional shares to the public, happens after an initial public offering (IPO). In an FPO, the company seeks to sell additional shares to the public in order to raise cash; the shares are already traded on a stock exchange. At the start of the procedure, the firm declares its intention to carry out an FPO and appoints investment banks as underwriters.

The underwriters choose the price at which the shares will be made available based on the situation of the market and investor demand. After the company submits a prospectus to the relevant regulatory body, the shares are subsequently made accessible to the general public through a number of channels. Following that, the funds raised from the sale of shares are used to finance the company's expansion or other endeavours.

Reasons for conducting an FPO

Follow-on public offers, or FPOs, are made for a variety of reasons, including −

  • One of the main objectives of an FPO is to obtain more finance to support corporate growth, investments, or acquisitions. Businesses might use the funds earned through an FPO to pay off debt, finance R&D, or expand their operations by acquiring other companies.

  • In addition to increasing the number of shares that are available for trading, FPOs help increase the stock's liquidity. This can increase the value of the current shares in addition to enhancing the company's reputation and luring new investors.

  • Image improvement: An FPO can make the company appear more reliable and reputable to stakeholders like lenders and investors. It could demonstrate the company's capacity for growth, financial stability, and managerial expertise.

  • FPOs may also be utilized to satisfy administrative requirements, such as minimum public shareholding necessities or posting commitments. An FPO can help companies maintain the fundamental proportion of public offers in order to follow to legal obligations.

Advantages and disadvantages of FPO

Advantages of FPO

  • When an FPO results in extra offers being outstanding within the advertise, liquidity for shareholders is boosted.

  • Capital access: FPOs permit businesses to access extra cash that can be utilized for a extend of purposes, counting as extension, investigate and advancement, obligation diminishment, etc.

  • Expanded market permeability: An FPO can help a company that become more market-present, attract new speculators, and increase its overall market worth.

Cons of FPO include

  • Dilution of ownership − An FPO results in the issuance of additional shares, diluting the proprietorship of current shareholders.

  • Potential market overhang: The massive amount of offers that may be advertised on the market as a result of FPOs may apply downward pressure on the stock price.

  • Increased regulatory scrutiny: Organisations embracing an FPO are exposed to more time- and resource-intensive administrative scrutiny.


To sum up, an FPO is a component for companies to extend their financing by selling offers to the common public. It gives a component for firms to grow, settle obligation, or finance new ventures. An FPO includes a number of steps, including choosing advisors, drafting the outline, and deciding the share cost.

One of an FPO's primary advantages is that it may offer assistance businesses rapidly raise significant amounts of cash. Additionally, FPOs can increment a company's showcase recognition and validity, which may lead to higher stock costs. FPOs may too have drawbacks, such as the potential for stock cost diminishes after the advertising and weakening of possession and control.

Trade owners ought to carefully consider the potential benefits and downsides of doing an FPO some time recently choosing to receive this sort of capital raising. By talking with financial experts and completing in-depth advertise research, businesses can decide whether an FPO is the perfect choice for them.


Q1. Why are IPOs and FPOs different from one another?

Ans: An FPO (Follow-on Public Offering) is a subsequent offering of additional shares by a company that has already gone public, whereas an IPO (Initial Public Offering) is the first time a firm offers stock to the public.

Q2. Why do businesses perform FPOs?

Ans: Companies use FPOs to generate more money for a variety of reasons, including financing new projects, eliminating debt, or growing their corporate operations.

Q3. What benefits does an FPO offer to investors?

Ans: Investors can add to their existing holdings of stock in a firm they already own, possibly at a discount to the market price, and gain from potential future stock price growth.

Updated on: 04-Dec-2023


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