What is the full form of DOC?

The definition of Doc

Document (DOC) works as the file extension generated by the Microsoft Word processing software. Microsoft started using the abbreviation back in 1983 for its "Word" processing software. In simple words, any document generated by Microsoft's "Word" processing software gets the extension of Doc.

The abbreviation is written as the .doc in the last of the file name and works as the extension for the file. You will see the .doc extension very commonly since Microsoft's Word processing software is one of the most widely used tools across the world.

History of Doc

The history of Doc can be rooted back to the year 1983 when Microsoft introduced this file format. Since 1983 this file format has been continuously used in the Word processing software of the company. Microsoft released the first version of Microsoft Word in the same year and prior to this the company had the file format "Word Document File" for its word processing software.

The interesting thing about the Doc file format is that it was first used only in proprietary software. However, with the passage of time, Microsoft allowed the usage of Doc file format in third-party software as well. In the present time, the Doc file format is accessible both in the Microsoft Word software and other word processing tools of different companies. This additional versatile accessibility feature of Doc file made it one of the most commonly used file formats across the world.

Over the course of the years, Microsoft has continuously made changes in the Doc file format making it better and better for users across the world. Going back to the history of Microsoft Word and Doc file format, the company first built the Word software for the Xenix operating system in 1980. Microsoft then later ported the Word software to the MS-Dos in 1983 and that is when the "Doc" file format came into existence.

Features of Doc

Microsoft Doc file format is one of the most renowned and popularly used document file formats. It has wide popularity and credibility among users for its useful features. Here below we are listing down all of those features for the reference of our readers.

  • Offers rich formats of texting − The Doc file format comes feature rich with a number of options. It has a number of fonts, styles, colour combinations, image insertions, etc to make the text file just perfect.

  • Provides support for tables, images, and objects − Doc file also provides support to add random objects into the text, frame the text into tables, and insert pretty much all types of media into the file. One can also resize the text or objects into this file format to make the whole document fully personalised.

  • Compatibility with third-party software − The doc file format is known to be highly versatile for the reason that it offers Compatibility with other third-party word processing software. Moreover one can also access the Doc file format with the other applications of MS Office such as Excel or PowerPoint etc.

  • The Doc file format is fully secured − If you are working on some confidential or personal Doc file document then you can fully secure it. There are features such as fire protection to keep your Doc file fully safe and protected.

  • Adding the link and hyperlinks texts − Documents in the era of the internet always have texts that redirect the users to different places. In the Doc file format, one can add links to the text so as to redirect the reader to the broad and different context of the document concerned.

Applications of Doc

The doc file format has a broad dimension of applications that lies almost in every sphere of life. This file format is incredibly useful both in the personal and professional lives of people. Since the Doc file format is all about carrying the text/graphics content to be used for a variety of purposes around.

You can use the Doc file format conveniently to simplify your routine personal as well as professional life. Here below are some of the very basic applications of Doc file format.

  • Creating personal, professional, and formal text-based documents such as reports, letters, essays, etc.

  • Drafting business documents or deeds such as business deal proposals, contract agreements or even creating invoices for your business.

  • Creating a formal resume or a CV to use as an application for your dream job.

  • Drafting legal documents such as leases of properties, affidavits, power of attorney, etc.

  • Using the Doc file format in conducting formal research or doing assignment projects for your academic streams.

  • Creating the questionnaire or survey forms to collect the data on some significant research.


The doc file format has its immortal identity in the world of text editors or word processing systems. This file format with its extension style of .doc is being used almost in all different domains of life. In fact, the file format is so widely recognized that other known word processing software have also started making their own documents in Doc. Google is a major example of this trend as the company is offering its Google Docs software which does almost the same thing just like the Doc file format. The Doc file format has made the evolution in the domain of word processing software and applications for all users across the world.


Q1. Is PDF a Doc format?

Ans: No Doc format is always editable in the numbers of the word processing software and applications such as MS Word and others. PDF, on the other hand, is only a readable document thus it doesn't fit in the category of Doc file format.

Q2. Can only MS Word open the Doc file documents?

Ans: No, the Microsoft Doc file format is accessible or compatible with third-party applications as well to offer ease of access to the users. You can thus open Doc file documents with the applications such as Google Docs, Libre Office, and other docs readers.

Q3. Who should use the Doc file format?

Ans: The doc file format is ideal for any such individual who needs to edit the document along with the reading. The document can be shared with others and can be put through an unlimited number of changes.

Updated on: 27-Nov-2023


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