What is the full form of AAI ?


According to data, India is one of the greatest aviation markets in the world which is growing day by day. It is estimated that 69% of air travel in South Asia is mainly conducted by India. By 2023, India's airports should be able to conduct 1 billion trips for passengers every year. The Ministry of Civil Aviation of India plays an important role in formulating policies for national aviation policies. In this article we will discuss, one of the important organisation under the Ministry which is the Airport Authority of India (AAI)

About AAI

The National Airports Authority of India (NAAI) was founded in 1986 to manage the domestic airports in India. In 1972, the International Airports Authority of India (IAAI) was created to look after the international airports in the country. A Parliamentary Act known as the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994, which combined the entities, created a Statutory Entity namely Airports Authority of India in April 1995. (AAI). This new organisation was given the charge of development, enhancement, control, and oversee the nation's aviation infrastructure for the purpose of civil aviation. AAI is owned by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Indian Government. Its headquarter is currently located in New Delhi.

AAI oversees 137 airports, 80 domestic airports, 23 domestic civil enclaves at defence airfields, 24 international airports, and 10 customs airports. With the aim of ensuring the safety of operations, AAI also provides Air Traffic Management Services (ATMS) in Indian Air Space and nearby maritime regions.

Functions of AAI

The AAI is founded on the promise of maintaining and improving the field of aviation in India. For this it performs several functions in different sectors including security, passenger, air-navigation, aerodrome, etc. Some of its functions are mentioned below.

The main functions of AAI are to build, modify, and manage passenger terminals, cargo terminals, and apron infrastructure and to faciliate communication, navigation, and surveillance services, like providing DVOR/DME, ILS, ATC radars, and visual aids.

AAI has been moving forward with its plans to switch to communication based on satellite, navigation, ‘surveillance’, and ‘air traffic management’ in accordance with the international approach of modernising air navigation facilities for smooth navigation throughout states and international boundaries. This will provide AAI executives with exposure to the latest technology and processes that can be used to improve airport services overall performances.

One of the key resources at the disposal of the Airports Authority of India is a pool of qualified and skilled labour. In order to train its engineers, controllers of air traffic, rescue & fire fighting troops, etc., the AAI has many training facilities, including NIAMAR in Delhi, CATC in Allahabad, and Fire Training Centres at Delhi & Kolkata. Members of the ICAO TRAINER programme, NIAMAR & CATC share Standard Training Packages (STP) from a common pool to deliver instruction on a variety of topics.

The Automatic Dependence Surveillance System (ADSS) was successfully implemented by AAI using homegrown technology at Air Traffic Control Centers located in Chennai and Calcutta, earning India. This made India the first country in the South East Asian region to use this cutting-edge technology. This allowed for efficient ATC over oceanic areas using communication based on satellite. The country’s ATMS has gained more strength because of the use of satellite communication links and remotely controlled VHF coverage. Moreover, by providing administrative and operational control over the expanded aviation network, the linking of 80 areas by V-Sat installations would significantly enhance management of air traffic.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has long been recognised as a socially conscious business that leads by serving the community and is dedicated to improving the standard of living of those from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly those who live close to airports. Although it has recently extended its reach to every part of our nation instead of just sticking to locations close to airports. The CSR initiatives of AAI are supervised centrally at the corporate headquarters, but they are carried out by the staff members assigned to its regional airports, increasing employee involvement and fostering social responsibility.

AAI is dedicated to gradually increasing its spending on corporate social responsibility. Some of its CRS includes −

  • Providing formal and informal education, as well as career training that supports self-sufficiency and long-term revenue production

  • With a particular focus on women and girls, health is an essential element of higher quality of life.

  • Integrated community development that fills in the gaps in the government's mandated resettlement and rehabilitation programmes and guarantees a beneficial influence on the standard of living in communities

  • Disaster management encompasses readiness, capacity building, and emergency response while leveraging the AAI's core competencies.

  • environmental protection.


AAI looks after the aviation sector India and its main functions include designing, operating, managing airports in India besides looking after the necessities of safe travelling for passengers. It is one of the important sectors in the country and is managed through highly skilled professionals.


Q1. Mention one function of the AAI.

Ans. The deployment of the CISF for airport security, CCTV surveillance systems at important airports, cutting-edge X-ray baggage inspection systems, and top security & surveillance systems are only a few of the measures that were taken by AAI. In order to support the work of security professionals at critical airports, use of smart cards and other installations are also being considered by AAI.

Q2. What do you understand about Aerodroma facilities?

Ans. Several projects have been launched at various airports to improve and extend the runway, the taxi track, and the aprons in an effort to provide aerodrome facilities. Currently, in order to facilitate the efficient operation aircrafts like Airbus 320/Boeing 737-800, a decision to extend the runway to 7500 feet has been made.

Q3. Name the five regional headquarters of AAI.

Ans. The five regional headquarters of AAI are Eastern Regional Headquarter located in Kolkata, Western Regional headquarter located in Mumbai, Northern Regional Headquarter located in Delhi, Southern Regional Headquarter located in Chennai and North-Eastern Regional Headquarter located in Guwahati.

Updated on: 14-Apr-2023


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