What is SynAck Ransomware?

Today even with the rising awareness and precautions taken regarding computer security or cyber security, the number of attacks and threats reported has not decreased like we expect it to be. Just as we develop more and more security measures, the same is done on the other side, where hackers and cybercriminals tend to work harder to overcome their new obstacles. One such way that they found it is by using SynAck ransomware.

SynAck Ransomware

PC security has now been known to have received reports of activity utilizing the SynAck Ransomware, a previously unknown ransomware Trojan.

  • The SynAck Ransomware appears to be part of a RaaS (Ransomware as a Service) strategy used by computer users in the wild.

  • The SynAck Ransomware comes in three different versions, each with minor differences in the ransom message used in the attack.

  • Researchers suspect that the developers of SynAck ransomware use RDP brute-force assaults to steal machines and manually install malware.

Process Doppelganging

SynAck hides from anti-malware technologies via a clever technique known as Process Doppelganging.

  • Process doppleganging is a code induction process that uses the NTFS transaction protocols in the Windows operating system to create and hide malicious processes.

  • The procedure is akin to Process Hallowing in which cybercriminals alter the memory of a standard process with malicious code, which then begins to evade anti-malware monitoring software.

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises appear to be the principal targets of SynAck Ransomware. Con artists will infect victims' computers with SynAck Ransomware by exploiting poorly protected systems.

  • Antivirus software which is updated to the latest version, can detect assaults that use process hollowing. Process Doppelgänging, on the other hand, uses a Transactional New Technology File System (TxF) to roll back any processes it has altered into lawful states, leaving no evidence of the attack behind. This makes it challenging to identify and fight against.

How Does SynAck Ransomware Spread?

SynAck, like other ransomware, employs both symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques. The hybrid ECIES scheme is at the heart of the SynAck algorithm. ENC (symmetric encryption algorithm), KDF (key derivation function), and MAC are the building blocks that interact with one other (message authentication code). Different building pieces can be used to implement the ECIES framework.

  • Even though SynAck's developers use brute-force tactics, ransomware-type infections are frequently disseminated in different methods. Cybercriminals, for example, send spam emails with malicious attachments. When these attachments are opened, they download and install malware.

  • Unofficial software download sources and fraudulent software update tools and trojans are also used to spread ransomware.

  • Malicious executables are frequently distributed through thirdparty download sources by masquerading as legitimate applications.

  • To infect the system, fake software updaters make use of obsolete software faults and holes. Trojans allow other infections to invade through backdoors.

How to Protect Yourself from SynAck Ransomware?

  • Always be cautious and aware when using the Internet.

  • Delete all spam emails and avoid opening attachments sent by unknown email addresses.

  • Avoid utilizing third-party programs or software and only get software from legitimate sources through direct download links.

  • Use a legitimate antivirus/anti-spyware suite and keep installed software up to date.

  • Make regular backups of your data. Backups should be kept on separate media that isn't always connected to your network or the Internet.

Updated on: 07-Feb-2022


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