What is ServiceNow? Features, Applications, and more

Obtaining maximum productivity in the business context is a challenge for the IT sector. Digital service ServiceNow offers enterprise-grade cloud platforms to businesses. Many people still employ antiquated methods, even though they often significantly lengthen the duration of any given task for no apparent gain. It's simple to connect other apps to ServiceNow. Using robotic process automation, ServiceNow streamlines routine business processes in the cloud. In addition to its tools, ServiceNow offers an app store where users can download and install applications created by other companies. Now, ServiceNow enters the picture as an all-inclusive answer for the IT sector. Companies that adopted ServiceNow saw significant gains and returns after implementing the platform.

In this article, we'll talk about all sorts of things related to ServiceNow: its features, how to use it properly, the products, and more.

What is ServiceNow?

Founded in 2004, ServiceNow entered the IT service management (ITSM) market, challenging long-standing industry leaders such as IBM and HP. An example of cloud-based software, ServiceNow, offers IT services for automating and controlling business processes. ServiceNow is a comprehensive cloud service consolidating various functions into a unified database. ServiceNow aspires to give its business customers the same frictionless experience that services like Uber and Airbnb give consumers when hailing a car or making a restaurant reservation in the modern digital world. Regarding automating procedures and developing workflows, ServiceNow relies on Machine Learning technologies.

How to Utilise ServiceNow?

The following sectors can take advantage of ServiceNow's service management software −

  • ServiceNow's use of artificial intelligence helps establish predictable patterns in the workplace and streamlines operational procedures.

  • Workers, stakeholders, and consumers of ServiceNow can tailor the software to their own needs by adjusting its configuration and workflows.

  • As a SaaS (Software as a Service), ServiceNow automatically updates itself and requires no configuration on your end.

  • Businesses may stand out from the crowd with its assistance thanks to the elevated service levels that boost productivity and streamline processes.

  • To further simplify the management of HR services, you can integrate ServiceNow with your current core HR and talent management software.

  • ServiceNow can improve the customer experience for a wide range of businesses by allowing them to provide their clients with a convenient self-service portal.

  • ServiceNow may increase ITSM (IT Service Management) efficiency by as much as 60%.

  • You can take a SaaS in Cloud Computing course to learn more about this topic and improve your employability.

  • ServiceNow streamlines the workflow and allows for the automation of nearly every business operation.

History of ServiceNow

Fred Luddy established ServiceNow in Santa Clara, California, in 2004. He was chief technology officer at Peregrine Systems and Remedy Corporation before co-founding ServiceNow. ServiceNow was founded in 2006 and moved into its first Silicon Valley location the following year. His cloud forms were the backbone of the workflow system he developed. It had 275 people and a partnership with Accenture in 2011. ServiceNow bought an interface and user experience firm called Telepathy in 2017. The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) certified the company in 2016, indicating that it satisfies the requirements for cloud-based product security.

People who can use ServiceNow

IT service management and achievement of business objectives are made possible with ServiceNow. These are some of the users who employ ServiceNow for more than one function −

  • It Department member

  • Support Teams

  • Programmers

  • Admin

  • Facilitator

Applications of ServiceNow

The ServiceNow model is divided into individual cloud services, with tasks, activities, and processes from ServiceNow products as building blocks. Listed below are a few of ServiceNow's most helpful offerings −

Manufacturing − The HR management database system is useful for HR managers since it frees them up to provide individualised HR services to their employees. In addition to improving HR efficiency, this solution also makes it possible to fine-tune the services you offer to your clients.

Telecommunications − ServiceNow also features a customer service management solution that can help you keep track of your interactions with clients in an automated fashion. It facilitates rapid communication with clients and the swift resolution of their issues. More customers will buy as a result of happier ones.

Commerce in Money and Finance − The Business Management capabilities in ServiceNow help make plans and carry them out for any business. You may quickly pinpoint problem areas and implement workable solutions to speed up your company's growth.

Management − Using ServiceNow's security solutions, you can quickly and easily identify and address application flaws with minimal disruption to users. To improve the rate and effectiveness of your security reactions to apps, you can adjust the settings of your security management tools.

Features of ServiceNow

Here are some key features of ServiceNow −

  • You can monitor anything going on with its activity dashboard.

  • ServiceNow permits deployment in a modular, instance-based fashion.

  • Launching a business does not necessitate extensive preparation or complicated settings.

  • ServiceNow makes it simple to monitor the property.

  • ServiceNow's configuration options are highly flexible and can be adjusted to meet your specific needs with minimal effort.

  • To some extent, one can manage the approval procedure.

  • Data may be kept private and intact thanks to ServiceNow's security measures.

  • ServiceNow's improved customer service comes at almost no ongoing expense.

Methods for Accessing ServiceNow

To log into ServiceNow, please follow these instructions −

Step 1 − Visit the ServiceNow Developer Portal at the Following Link −


Step 2 − Complete the new developer registration form.

Step 3 − After verifying your account, activate it by signing in.

Step 4 − Accepting ServiceNow's developer terms and conditions is the final step in creating your account.

Step 5 − Once logged into ServiceNow, navigate to the "Request Instance" tab on the dashboard.

Step 6 − After that, you'll be presented with three choices, including Jakarta, Kingston, and London Release Notes, from which you should ultimately pick the latter.

Step 7 − Following this step, your instance will be processed, and the credentials to access it will be displayed.

Step 8 − You'll be prompted to update your account's default password when you choose the login instance option.

After you've completed all of these procedures, you'll arrive at the dashboard for your instance, from which you may administer your services and explore its capabilities.


ServiceNow is continually growing in popularity and is now utilised by many major companies. ServiceNow is an excellent choice for a variety of businesses for several reasons. In technical management, ServiceNow is a cloud-based firm that offers SaaS.

Updated on: 13-Mar-2023


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