What is Proactive Customer Service and How to Implement It?

Customers today have higher expectations of businesses than ever before. They select brands that invest in their requirements and are dedicated to providing the best possible service. Customers can afford to have high expectations because if one firm fails to meet their demands, they may switch to another that will go above and beyond.

Reactive customer service is when you sit still and wait for consumers to come to you for assistance. In reality, there's nothing wrong with taking the first step as the second. Consider, though, the dread of missing out. If you use a different approach, such as taking the initiative first, you'll see immediate results: higher client loyalty, more sales, and better communication.

Proactive customer service is a term used to describe such a notion. So, let's look at its definition, advantages and disadvantages, and some reasons why you should use it.

What is proactive customer service?

Proactive customer service is a method of devising solutions for problems that consumers may encounter in the future. This strategy may be characterized as a proactive endeavor to detect and handle customers' problems before they become aware of them.

This customer-centric approach to great service will not only increase customer happiness and turn them into long-term loyal customers, but it will also increase the value of your company's brand. Your company will be known for providing exceptional customer service and constantly striving to provide unique value to its clients.

How Can Proactive Customer Support Be Implemented?

A proactive customer service strategy gives you plenty of chances to exceed consumer expectations and improve client relationships. It aids your company in increasing consumer value and providing an outstanding experience. A solid customer experience strategy, as well as an investment in new technology, are typically required to implement a proactive approach.

For a successful proactive customer service approach, here is a list of recommendations and best practices to follow.

  • With Live Chat, you can provide faster assistance.

  • Co-browsing assistance in real-time

  • With video chat, you may get help right away.

  • Establish a Knowledge Base

  • Product Knowledge Training for Your Team

  • Create a customer service strategy that spans all channels.

  • Request feedback from customers.

  • Introduce a Recommendation Feature by clearly defining the internal process.

What methods may be used to provide proactive assistance?

Remember that you may use numerous communication channels to go from reactive to proactive customer service −

Live chat for proactive customer service Live chat is a useful tool for reaching out to consumers in a proactive manner. When used correctly, live chat may increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and free up customer service personnel. You can engage prospects, upsell to existing customers, encourage self-service, and gain vital feedback to improve your business with such an effective solution.

Proactive customer care via email − Emails may assist you in reaching out to consumers in a variety of ways. For example, if a consumer adds an item to their basket and then abandons it, you may send them a personalized email to demonstrate that you go out of your way to provide a pleasant shopping experience.

When a new sign-up occurs, you may also send an on boarding email. Its primary goals are to get to know users and demonstrate the value you bring to the table. Include instructional resources or how-to videos in your on boarding email to explain how your product may improve their life.

While proactive customer service via the phone is becoming less popular, it can still be beneficial. You may, for example, follow up with poor customer satisfaction survey results. Remember to apologize profusely first and then give a solution. Reaching out to a client who leaves excellent feedback is another case when proactive customer care by phone is suitable. This is an opportunity to increase sales by offering a discount or anything else. You can show clients you care by taking the initiative to provide superior service.

Customer service that is proactive and has a knowledge base − A database like this often holds corporate information, FAQs, and other related subjects. Given that 40% of clients increasingly choose self-service developing a knowledge base may be a wise decision. Customers may use it to get useful information at any time of day or night without having to wait for a support professional to respond.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2022


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