What is Mobile Robot?

A mobile robot is a type of automatic machine that can move on its own. It falls under the subfield of robotics and information engineering. Unlike stationary industrial robots, mobile robots can navigate and operate in various environments without being fixed to a single location.

They can be categorized as autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), which can move around in uncontrolled environments without external guidance, or they can rely on guidance devices to follow predetermined paths in controlled spaces. Industrial robots, on the other hand, are typically fixed in place and consist of a jointed arm and gripper assembly attached to a stationary surface.

In this article, we will discuss more about mobile robot. Let’s start!

Mobile Robots and IoT

Mobile robots integrated with IoT have transformative potential across industries, enhancing efficiency, safety, and quality of life. They improve operations in warehouses, factories, healthcare, and education. Additionally, mobile robots contribute to security and convenience in homes and cities. The future for mobile robots in the IoT context looks promising, promising easier, safer, and more enjoyable lives as technology advances.

Types of Mobile Robots

There are several types of mobile robots, each designed for specific tasks and environments. Here are some common types:

  • Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs): These robots can navigate and operate independently in uncontrolled environments without the need for external guidance. They use sensors and onboard intelligence to perceive their surroundings and make decisions.

  • Remote−Controlled Robots: These robots are controlled by a human operator from a remote location. They are often used in situations where it may be unsafe or impractical for humans to be present physically.

  • Swarm Robots: Swarm robots are a group of small robots that work together collaboratively. They communicate and coordinate their actions to accomplish tasks efficiently. Swarm robots are often used in scenarios that require collective intelligence or distributed operations.

  • Aerial Robots (Drones): These robots are designed to fly in the air. They are equipped with rotors or wings for propulsion and can perform tasks such as aerial surveillance, delivery, mapping, or inspection of inaccessible areas.

  • Underwater Robots (ROVs): These robots are specifically designed to operate underwater. They are commonly used for deep−sea exploration, underwater inspection, maintenance, or research.

  • Humanoid Robots: Humanoid robots are designed to resemble and imitate human movements and behaviors. They typically have a bipedal structure and can perform tasks that require human−like interaction, such as assistance, entertainment, or social interaction.

  • Service Robots: These robots are designed to perform specific service−oriented tasks, such as cleaning, caregiving, hospitality, or assistance in various settings like homes, hotels, hospitals, or public spaces.

  • Agricultural Robots: These robots are used in farming and agriculture for tasks like planting, harvesting, weeding, or monitoring crop health. They can autonomously navigate fields and perform specific agricultural operations.

These are just a few examples of mobile robots, and the field of robotics continues to advance, leading to the development of new types and applications of mobile robots.

Integration of Mobile Robots into IoT Ecosystem

The integration of mobile robots into IoT ecosystems is a rapidly expanding field of research and development. By equipping mobile robots with sensors, actuators, and internet connectivity, they can collect and interact with real−world data, opening up possibilities for numerous industries and enhancing our daily lives.

The integration of mobile robots into IoT ecosystems brings several key benefits

  • Improved Efficiency: Mobile robots automate tasks currently performed by humans, boosting productivity and efficiency. In warehouses and distribution centers, for instance, mobile robots can handle material transportation, allowing human workers to focus on more complex tasks.

  • Enhanced Safety: Equipped with sensors and actuators, mobile robots can detect and avoid obstacles, making various environments safer. They can patrol areas, detecting intruders to bolster public safety measures.

  • Superior Customer Service: Mobile robots can offer customer service in diverse settings like retail stores or hospitals. They can deliver orders in restaurants or transport patients in medical facilities, elevating the level of service provided.

  • Cost Reduction: Mobile robots streamline operations, resulting in cost savings. Automation of tasks previously carried out by humans and improved efficiency can minimize defects in manufacturing plants or streamline inspection processes.

How Mobile Robots Are Being Integrated into IoT Ecosystem?

Mobile robots are increasingly integrated into IoT ecosystems across various industries. Here are specific examples:

  • Warehouse and logistics: Mobile robots transport goods, optimizing operations by allowing human workers to focus on tasks like order fulfillment.

  • Manufacturing: Mobile robots perform welding, painting, and assembly, enhancing efficiency, safety, and minimizing human errors.

  • Healthcare: Mobile robots deliver medications, transport patients, and assist in surgical procedures, improving patient care and reducing healthcare costs.

  • Security: Mobile robots patrol areas and detect intruders, enhancing public safety and mitigating crime risks.

  • Education: Mobile robots facilitate STEM education, engaging students and preparing them for future job opportunities.

  • Entertainment: Mobile robots are utilized in theme parks and entertainment venues, creating novel and immersive experiences for guests.

By integrating mobile robots into IoT ecosystems, these industries witness improvements in productivity, safety, cost−effectiveness, and overall user experiences.


Mobile robots offer significant benefits and advancements across industries. In manufacturing, they automate processes, improving efficiency and product quality. Warehousing and logistics benefit from streamlined operations and optimized inventory management. In healthcare, robots aid in patient care, delivering medications and collecting vital signs. Agriculture sees improved crop yield and resource optimization through precision farming. Retail and hospitality industries enhance customer service with robots assisting in guidance and transactions. Overall, mobile robots bring increased productivity, accuracy, and efficiency, transforming industries and improving outcomes.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2023


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