Building Robot Arms with JavaScript and Robotics Frameworks

JavaScript, the popular programming language known for its versatility and ease of use in web development, has expanded its reach beyond the realm of browsers. With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the increasing demand for robotics applications, JavaScript has found its way into the world of robotics. In this article, we will explore how JavaScript can be used to build and control robot arms, leveraging the power of robotics frameworks.

Understanding Robotics Frameworks

Before diving into the practical implementation, let's take a moment to understand what robotics frameworks are and how they can benefit us in building robot arms. Robotics frameworks provide a set of tools, libraries, and abstractions to simplify the development of robotic applications. These frameworks offer functionalities such as motion planning, kinematics, sensor integration, and communication protocols, which are essential for controlling robot arms.

One popular robotics framework for JavaScript is Johnny-Five. Johnny-Five is an open-source JavaScript framework that allows you to control hardware devices, including robot arms, using JavaScript. It provides an abstraction layer over the hardware, making it easier to interact with sensors, motors, and servos.

Building a Robot Arm with Johnny-Five

To get started, we need to set up our development environment. Make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine. Once that's done, we can install Johnny-Five and its dependencies by running the following command −

npm install johnny-five

Now, let's write some code to control a simple robot arm. In this example, we will be using three servo motors to control the movement of the arm. Create a new JavaScript file, let's call it robotArm.js, and let's start by importing the necessary modules 

const { Board, Servo } = require('johnny-five');

Next, we need to define the configuration for our robot arm. We'll specify the pin numbers to which the servo motors are connected. Modify the following code to match your hardware setup 

const config = {
   servo1: 9,
   servo2: 10,
   servo3: 11

Now, let's initialise the board and the servo motors 

const board = new Board();

board.on('ready', () => {
   const servo1 = new Servo({
      pin: config.servo1,
      range: [0, 180] // Define the range of motion for the servo

   const servo2 = new Servo({
      pin: config.servo2,
      range: [0, 180]

   const servo3 = new Servo({
      pin: config.servo3,
      range: [0, 180]

  // Code for controlling the robot arm goes here

Now that we have our servos initialised, we can start controlling the robot arm. Let's add some code to move the arm in different positions. In this example, we will simulate the arm picking up an object and placing it in a different location; // Move the first servo to the center position; // Move the second servo to a specific angle; // Move the third servo to its maximum angle

setTimeout(() => {; // Move the first servo back to the initial position; // Move the second servo to another angle; // Move the third servo back to the initial position
}, 3000); // Wait for 3 seconds before performing the next movement

Save the file and run it using Node.js 

node robotArm.js

You should see the robot arm moving according to the code you've written. Feel free to experiment with different servo angles and durations to achieve different movements.


In this article, we explored how JavaScript can be used to build and control robot arms. We learned about robotics frameworks, specifically Johnny-Five, and how it simplifies the development of robotic applications in JavaScript. By leveraging the power of Johnny-Five, we were able to control servo motors and simulate the movement of a robot arm.

JavaScript's versatility and the availability of robotics frameworks have opened up exciting possibilities for developers interested in robotics.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023


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