What is learning rate in Neural Networks?

In neural network models, the learning rate is a crucial hyperparameter that regulates the magnitude of weight updates applied during training. It is crucial in influencing the rate of convergence and the caliber of a model's answer. To make sure the model is learning properly without overshooting or converging too slowly, an adequate learning rate must be chosen. The notion of learning rate in neural networks, its significance, and numerous methods to choose an optimal learning rate will all be covered in this article. We will also go through how to identify and resolve typical learning rate issues that develop during model training.

What is learning rate?

In the training of neural network models, the learning rate is a crucial hyperparameter. It regulates how much of the network's weights are updated every iteration of the optimization method. Selecting an adequate learning rate is essential to attaining high model performance since it can have a substantial influence on the network's performance.

The learning rate is a scalar value that determines the size of the step taken in the direction of the negative gradient during backpropagation. Backpropagation is the process by which the error between the predicted and actual outputs of the neural network is propagated backward through the network to update the weights. The magnitude of the update made to the weights is proportional to the product of the learning rate and the gradient of the loss function concerning the weights.

A low learning rate can cause to sluggish convergence and the model getting trapped in local optima, while one high learning rate can cause the model to overshoot the ideal solution. In order to get optimal performance during model training, choosing the right learning rate is crucial.

The Role of Learning Rate in Neural Network Models

Neural network models enhance their efficiency by varying the network's weights to lessen the gap between expected and actual output. The optimization algorithm updates the network's weights during training by using the gradients of the loss function relative to the weights. The learning rate, which governs how often the weights of the network are changed, dictates the magnitude of the update made to the weights.

The convergence speed and solution quality are highly dependent on the learning rate. The network's weights may be changed too quickly if the learning rate is too high, which might cause the model to overshoot the ideal outcome. Poor performance and unsteady training might result from this. The optimization technique may, however, take too long to converge to a solution or become trapped in a local minimum if the learning rate is too low.

Impact of learning rate on model performance

The model's performance may be considerably impacted by the learning rate selection. The model may converge rapidly if the learning rate is too high, but the outcome might not be ideal. The model could take longer to converge and the solution might be of poor quality if the learning rate is too low. Consequently, it's crucial to choose a learning rate that strikes a compromise between convergence speed and solution quality.

The following issues might arise for the model if the learning rate is too high −

  • Oscillations − If the weights update too quickly, the model could fluctuate around the ideal result.

  • Divergence − If the weights update too quickly, the model may depart from the ideal outcome.

  • Bad performance − The model could reach a less-than-ideal solution, which would result in poor performance.

  • The following issues might arise for the model if the learning rate is too low −

  • Slow convergence might result in sluggish training because the optimization technique may take too long to find a solution.

  • Poor performance might result from the optimization method becoming trapped at a local minimum.

Methods for Selecting an appropriate learning rate

Throughout model training, there are several ways to determine the appropriate learning rate. Typical techniques include the following −

1. Fixed Learning Rate

Using a set learning rate throughout the training phase is the simplest method for choosing a learning rate. This strategy is simple to use, but it necessitates careful learning rate selection to strike a compromise between convergence speed and solution quality. A model that has a learning rate that is too high may overshoot the ideal solution, whereas a model that has a learning rate that is too low may converge too slowly or become trapped in a local minimum.

2. Learning Rate Scheduling

  • To increase convergence speed and solution quality, the learning rate schedule calls for gradually lowering the learning rate. When working with enormous datasets or deep neural networks, this method is quite helpful. Scheduling techniques for learning rate include −

    • Step decay − After a certain number of epochs, the learning rate is lowered by a defined factor.

    • Exponential decay − With time, the learning rate decreases exponentially.

    • Performance-based decay − Based on the validation error or other performance parameters, the learning rate is decreased.

  • The performance of the model can be improved by the learning rate schedule, but for it to work well, the scheduling technique and parameters must be carefully chosen.

3. Adaptive Learning Rates

  • Based on the gradient data or other performance measures, adaptive learning rate algorithms change the learning rate during training. When solving difficult or high-dimensional optimization issues, these techniques can be quite helpful. The below are typical approaches for adjusting your learning rate −

    • Adagaurd − This approach, also known as Adagrad, modifies the learning rate for each weight based on the amount of the gradient updates for each weight.

    • RMSProp − Using a moving average of the squared gradient updates, this approach modifies the learning rate.

    • Adam − This approach utilizes a more advanced adaptive learning rate system and combines the advantages of RMSProp and Adagrad.

  • Compared to fixed learning rate approaches, adaptive learning rate methods can be more computationally expensive while simultaneously enhancing convergence speed and solution quality.

Diagnosing and fixing learning rate problems

Watching the learning rate and discovering possible future problems while model training is crucial. The following are a few typical problems & related fixes −

1. Learning Rate Too High

The model may oscillate or deviate from the ideal answer if the learning rate is too high. Reduce the learning rate and keep training to address this issue.

2. Learning Rate Too Low

The model may converge too slowly or become trapped in a local minimum if the learning rate is too low. Increase the learning rate or attempt an alternative optimization strategy to solve this issue.

3. Learning Rate Schedule Too Aggressive

The model could be unstable or perform poorly if the learning rate schedule is overly aggressive. Use a more cautious learning rate plan or attempt an alternative scheduling approach to solve this issue.


The learning rate is a crucial hyperparameter in neural network models that controls the size of the update made to the weights during training. Selecting an appropriate learning rate is essential to achieving good model performance, and different methods exist for selecting an appropriate learning rate. Monitoring the learning rate during training and diagnosing any problems that may arise is also important to achieving good results. With careful selection of the learning rate and appropriate training techniques, neural network models can achieve excellent performance on a wide range of tasks.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023

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