What is latent Dirichlet allocation in machine learning?

What is LDA?

LDA was developed in 2003 by David Blei, Andrew Ng, and Michael I. Jordan as a generative probabilistic model. It presumes that a variety of subjects will be covered in each paper and that each will require a certain number of words.

Using LDA, you may see how widely dispersed your document's subjects and words within those categories are. You can see how heavily each topic is represented in the content of a paper by looking at its topic distribution. A topic's word distribution reveals the frequency with which certain words appear in related texts.

LDA assumes that studies discussing the same topics employ a similar vocabulary. Words like "ball," "score," "goal," and "team" are common in sports-related writing, whereas "government," "policy," "vote," and "election" are expected in political writing.

How does LDA work?

LDA works by giving each word in each document to a topic and changing the topic distribution for each document and the term distribution for each case until convergence is reached.

Here are the steps of the LDA process −

  • Arrange the themes in each paper and the words in each subject in a random sequence.

  • Determine the likelihood that each word in each text belongs to each subject by examining how the topics are distributed across the document and how words are distributed within each topic.

  • Put the word where it is most likely in the subject.

  • Based on the new word, change the number of topics in the text and words in the given subject.

  • Repeat steps 2–4 until the lines meet at a point.

LDA uses the Dirichlet distribution to describe how likely topics and words are to be found together. The Dirichlet distribution is a continuous probability distribution over the simplex, a high-dimensional space where the sum of the factors is one. In Bayesian statistics and machine learning, the Dirichlet distribution often describes how probabilities are spread out.

In LDA, the Dirichlet distribution describes how each document's topics are spread out and how each topic's words are spread out. The Dirichlet distribution's hyperparameters control how sparse the distributions are, which can change how easy it is to understand the issues.

Applications of LDA

LDA has been used successfully in various fields, such as document classification, information retrieval, recommendation systems, and market research. Classifying documents −

  • Document Classification − LDA can be used to classify documents based on their topic distributions. This can be helpful in many situations, such as organizing papers, weeding out spam emails, or figuring out how people feel about reviews.

  • Information Retrieval − LDA can be used to find the most appropriate topics for a search question and better search results. LDA can rank the documents based on how well they answer the question by matching the query's topic distribution to each document's topic distribution.

  • Recommendation Systems − LDA can give people suggestions for goods or services based on their interests. By modeling the user's priorities, LDA can recommend products and services more likely to pique the user's interest.

    Using LDA, researchers may analyze customer feedback and learn more about the factors that truly matter to them. This can help businesses find places to improve and create marketing strategies that reach the right people.

Limitations of LDA

Although LDA is an effective and versatile tool for modeling issues, it does have certain limitations.

  • LDA does not consider the contextual significance of the order of words in a text. For instance, "not good" might imply "good not," depending on the context.

  • Choosing the right amount of subjects in advance is essential for LDA, which may be challenging in practice. To determine the optimal amount of topics, you need to be knowledgeable in your subject and willing to experiment. There is no universal solution to this problem.

Implementation of LDA

Several machine learning tools, such as Scikit-learn, Gensim, and Pyro, can be used to set up LDA. These tools have easy-to-use APIs for training and assessing LDA models on text documents.

Here's an example of how to use Gensim to use LDA −

from gensim import corpora, models

# create a dictionary of words from the documents
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(documents)

# convert the documents to bag-of-words vectors
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in documents]

# train an LDA model with ten topics
lda_model = models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus, num_topics=10, id2word=dictionary, passes=10)

# print the top 10 words for each topic
for topic in lda_model.show_topics(num_topics=10, num_words=10):

In this example, documents are a list of written documents, vocabulary is a mapping between words and number IDs, and corpus is a list of bag-of-words vectors for each document. The num_topics parameter sets the number of topics to be learned, and the passes parameter sets the number of times through the collection.


Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a well-known way to describe topics using machine learning. We've talked about how LDA works and what it can and can't be used for. We have also talked about how to put LDA into work with machine learning tools like Genism. LDA is a good way to figure out what big groups of text papers can tell us by looking at them all together. LDA has become an important tool in natural language processing and machine learning because it can find hidden topics and the word patterns that go with them.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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