What is Hybrid Cloud Management?

The application of cloud-supported solutions for commercial use is steadily becoming mainstream development. As commercial users jump on the cloud-supported solutions bandwagon, they always look for the proper solutions for company operations. Many commercial users deploy unique cloud-supported solutions that neither the private nor the public solution works for them. In this case, there will have to be an integration of both self-hosting and cloud-supported solutions. A hybrid cloud-supported solution is one whose integration procedure doesn't always go well with many existing businesses.

Hybrid cloud-supported solutions are usually meant for companies that are looking for the flexibility that cloud solutions provide while choosing not to outsource their IT services to unknown external service providers fully. In this case, such an organization wants a hybrid-hosted solution.

What are hybrid cloud-supported services?

Many companies tend to choose a blend of the two most common methods of hosting IT solutions. While companies are usually expected to choose between cloud-based or on-premise services, others tend to blend both. The use of both cloud-based and on-premise services is what is known as hybrid cloud-supported solutions.

The good thing about this hybrid cloud-supported solution is that it is flexible. Companies can deploy the hybrid cloud-supported solution as a temporary service while finishing their cloud-supported migration process. Also, this hybrid system gets deployed as a blended solution.

Hybrid cloud-supported management gets performed by IT teams that have combined expertise with both solutions. This means that the IT team will be made up of experts skilled in on-premise IT solutions, while the cloud systems management can be outsourced. Alternatively, this can be done and vice versa depending on the company's requirement.

Why do companies choose hybrid cloud-supported solutions?

Hybrid cloud systems are essential to many businesses due to several reasons. This can be −

  • Any available technical need

  • Needing more security

  • To introduce redundancy in the solution

  • The need for quick and frequent data access

  • The existence of services or processes that do not work as offsite systems

Strategies for hybrid cloud-supported management

Managing hybrid-type cloud-supported systems usually depends on several key strategies. These strategies are the basis of managing the solution. These strategies are −

Adoption planning − When managing hybrid IT solutions, companies must account for several elements. They would usually understand the following −

  • How much it takes to adopt the solution

  • The labor needed to deploy this solution

  • The level of provided security

  • Procedures for disaster recovery

  • Total time it takes for complete adoption

When considering adoption, they must be clear on the contract/agreements. The SLA (Service level agreement) terms should be plain and straightforward to ensure they don't get to pay for something they won't get. Checking contracts and SLAs means they will not end up with a solution that does not provide any real value to the business. After they might have deployed the Hybrid IT system, the initial stages would help them decide whether they will take off or add some features. Also, to ensure complete and effective hybrid-type cloud-supported system management, security policies, restrictions to access, and training will have to be performed.

Security of user data − Management of hybrid-based systems can still involve ensuring the safety of the hybrid environment. Commercial users need to begin this management procedure by carrying out a comprehensive auditing of security protocols. It is important to evaluate existing users and their different access grants. This evaluation will ensure they have secured credentials and the correct permissions. This management plan should also feature training of IT teams for managing hybrid cloud-supported infrastructure. There could be liabilities if IT teams do not know what to do with cloud-hosting systems. Also, the right strategies should be deployed to ensure the security of the whole configuration process. This will help the company know that its implementation process is effective.

Continuous optimization for total performance − As soon as the hybrid system has been deployed completely, it is essential that they be managed and monitored continuously. This way, the teams ensure that there are no performance or security gaps. This means a policy should be drafted for the monitoring process. It should be able to dictate the following −

  • The frequency of the evaluation of this hybrid system

  • Who does this evaluation

  • The measures to be considered during the process

Hybrid infrastructure: Its commercial benefits

Hybrid cloud infrastructure has a lot of benefits; companies may be able to enjoy a lot of features that are not available with cloud-only or traditional systems. They are −

Flexibility − Hybrid systems allow IT teams to independently use the cloud or on-premise system whenever it favors them. This can maximize performance and resources by deploying the cloud-hosted solution and the supporting old solutions that cannot be migrated easily.

Cost − When it comes to hybridization, prices can be tricky. However, there could be significant savings if the process is monitored carefully. And this can be used to ensure that the investment yields a maximum return on investment (ROI). Hybrid storage solutions allow companies to pay as they expand their operations. This is a benefit that you wouldn't get from legacy systems.

Security − It supports businesses in deploying their data-supported solutions based on their requirements. Many hybrid teams have empowered the potential to manage security concerns using hybrid systems.


In managing hybrid systems, looking for the right service providers is essential. Since this process usually requires a knowledge of both solutions, it is vital to use the right company.

Updated on: 05-Jan-2023


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