What is Edge Computing in IoT?

With edge computing, data is handled as close to an IoT device. There could be benefits for business IT in terms of latency, productivity, cost, and security.

IoT technology keeps getting better and more valuable, and the number of ways One can use it keeps growing. Edge computing is one of the most talked-about topics in the IT industry right now, and it's getting bigger and bigger all the time. But what is edge computing, and why should businesses care about it in the IoT?

In the middle of a concept's meteoric rise to fame, its original meaning could be lost. So, people may use the term "edge computing" when talking about applications for the Internet of Things, but few know what it means. Here, we take a closer look at this game-changing innovation to find out more about it.

What is Edge Computing?

"Edge computing" is a new kind of computing that happens in different nodes and infrastructures close to the user. Data can be handled more quickly and significantly when processed at its source. This makes it possible to get results that are more immediate and action-driven.

Although edge computing and the IoT have many similarities, it is essential to distinguish between them. The phrases "edge device" and "Internet of Things device" are sometimes used interchangeably, although this is incorrect. While every item on the network's periphery is an Internet of Things, not every IoT gadget is an edge.

It has some advantages over traditional models, where the processing is often done on-site in a single data center. When businesses add computing to the edges of their networks, they can better manage and use their physical assets and offer new, interactive, human-centered experiences.

How Edge Computing Helps the IoT?

Here are some of the most important benefits of putting edge computing into IoT projects.

Performance Gains

One of the most apparent benefits of edge computing in the IoT is that it can improve the IoT. In traditional cloud settings, latency is often sacrificed to make scaling more accessible since data has to be sent to and from far-away data centers. When you use edge computing, you can get the benefits of scalability and adaptability with much less latency.

At the edge, computing could happen locally on a device or remotely between two or more nodes when there is less ground to cover-the performance increases significantly. Edge computing could reduce the average 250-millisecond latency from devices to the cloud and back to as low as ten milliseconds.

The network's throughput can go up with the edge being spread out and latency going down. With more powerful edge devices, networks can handle more requests. Because of the Internet of Things, businesses can do many things they couldn't do before. Communication is less likely to be lost or cut off when networks are more open and faster.

Good Value for Money

Good value for money Some IT costs may be too high to move some data to and from a far-away data center. Because the edge can reduce these needs, businesses can take advantage of low-information operations without paying much.

In 2020, small and medium-sized businesses spent an average of $386,000 on cloud technology. In 2019, they will spend an average of $1.2 million. Even people at the top of their fields admit that they waste 32% of their cloud budgets on projects that don't work. That's a lot of money that could be used more effectively if edge computing were implemented.

If processing happened at the edge, the need for far-away data centers might decrease. By using less remote or on-site IT resources, companies can save money and reduce the size of their data centers.


Security is another big problem that the Internet of Things has to deal with, and edge computing can help. When asked how secure their company's IoT devices were, a shocking 98% of security experts said it was hard. Edge devices come with security problems but offer advantages over traditional cloud setups.

When computing happens at the "edge" of the Internet of Things, information is sent to places other than traditional data centers. So, each breach does less damage than it could have. Because each edge device only stores a small amount of data, hackers would need to take over dozens or even hundreds of nodes to do any real damage. On the other hand, a single attack on a data center could put several gigabytes of data at risk.

Also, because edge network computing is spread out, there is less need for centralized server farms. So, security staff has a better way to keep track of what's happening in the network, and it will be harder to break their connections.

Wrapping Up

As more businesses learn about the benefits of edge computing in the IoT, they will start using it. This growing interest will lead to new applications and ways of doing things. This will help overcome the remaining barriers to edge computing becoming widely used and speed up the process.

With edge computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) could reach new heights by making networks more efficient, lowering operating costs, and fixing security problems. Actual self-driving cars and smart cities, among other technologies that will change the world, are on the way.

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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