IoT vs. Edge Computing: What’s the difference?

We live in an associated existence where more individuals are associated than at any other time in recent memory. The Internet of Things alludes to the aggregate organization of billions of actual gadgets surrounding us that are associated with the Web.

These gadgets create information in unfathomable volumes, the executives and capacity of which are similarly significant. In any case, such information in their unique structure has no utilization except if dug for important data. This requires explicit area information, important experience, and the specialized ability of genuine specialists.

To satisfy the rising needs of different IoT applications and administrations, driving ICT organizations are working with their own cloud-based IoT stages for information-driven administrations. IoT and edge are two firmly subsidiary advances that assume a focal part in this.

Throughout recent years, admittance to minimal expense processing, solid sensors, and great availability have added to the business reception of the Internet of Things. Because of IoT, we can interface sensor objects to the web, trade information, and screen their cooperations. No big surprise, as indicated by late reviews; organizations are quickly taking on IoT arrangements.

Given the quantity of IoT gadgets and the blast of resultant information, sending all that data to the cloud is attainable. Better choices are required. Edge computing is strategically set up to fill this hole and take on this gigantic surge of information. By breaking down information at the source, edge figuring diminishes the strain on server farms, mitigates inertness, and guarantees organizations work all the more productively.

What is IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an arrangement of interconnected physical, computerized, mechanical, and figuring gadgets or "things" inserted with unique identifiers (UIDs) that permit them to cooperate over the Internet. These gadgets run the whole range from typical items to complex devices.

IoT gadgets are fitted with sensors that make them "smart." These sensors gather data prompting the formation of enormous volumes of information.

An IoT door goes about as a switch and sends the information to the cloud through a few information conventions, similar to HTTP and MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport).

When the information arrives in the cloud, insightful apparatuses process the information and concentrate fundamental data. This data is then sent back to the end client through a Programming interface.

What is Edge Computing?

The developing reception of IoT is, as a matter of fact, a strong driver for edge registering. As increasingly more IoT gadgets get associated, they will create gigantic data measures. Yet, sending this data to the cloud for handling can be counterproductive.

To start with, the expenses of sending each piece of data to the cloud can be restrictive. Second, sending a lot of data to the cloud can cause issues with idleness and data transfer capacity.

Edge computing pushes data handling close to the starting place (the sensor gadgets) rather than sending it to a concentrated cloud found many miles away. It is particularly essential where information is time-touchy, and split-second choices should be taken. Edge gadgets perform progressed examination of the accessible data at the organization’s edge and continuously give associations much-required forecasts and arrangements.

Difference Between IoT And Edge Computing

Basis of Difference


Edge Computing

Data Processing

The data is sent to the cloud for data processing.

Data processing is done locally.


Internet is necessary for IoT devices.

Internet is optional.


Only one function is performed by one IoT device.

A single device can do more than one function.

Multi-purpose use

IoT does not support the multi-purpose use of the device.

It supports multi-purpose use.

Resource efficiency

Resource efficiency is high in IoT.

Moderate, depending on the capabilities for which the gadget is utilized.


Centralized Storage.

Decentralized Storage.

Vulnerable to cyberattacks

Highly unlikely.

Possibility of attacks.

The following table highlights the major differences between the IoT and Edge Computing −


IoT and edge computing are strong advancements that can save people and organizations time and exertion. You can likewise utilize IoT and edge processing to accomplish various targets within a similar framework. Even though they give off an impression of something similar, IoT and edge are different in their capabilities, and a few organizations even join them to accomplish explicit objectives. In these frameworks, IoT gadgets accumulate information, and edge gadgets process them at the source to give organizations speedy and itemized bits of knowledge.

IoT gadgets resemble items that convey constant information to an organization through edge computing to bring information or data handling as near IoT gadgets as expected. IoT and edge address a change in perspective in information social occasion and examination. Edge figuring remains inseparable from numerous other unmistakable advancements, including the Web of Things. In this way, they are correlative advances that rely upon one another to give more noteworthy advantages to the two people and organizations.

Updated on: 29-Dec-2022


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