What is a shielded transaction?

A shielded transaction is a type of cryptocurrency transaction that uses Zcash's zk−SNARK protocol to keep the sender, receiver, and transaction amount private. This article will explain how shielded transactions work and why they are useful.

What is a shielded transaction?

When it comes to cryptocurrency transactions, there are two main types − unshielded and shielded. Unshielded transactions are the more common of the two, and they work just like regular fiat currency transactions. Shielded transactions, on the other hand, offer more privacy and security.

However, shielded transactions come with a few trade−offs. First, they're much more complicated to set up than unshielded ones. Second, they're not compatible with all wallets and exchanges (though this is slowly changing). And third, they're generally slower than unshielded transactions.

So, if you're looking for more privacy and security in your cryptocurrency transactions, you may want to consider using shielded transactions. Just be aware of the trade−offs involved before you make your decision.

How do shielded transactions work?

Shielded transactions work by assigning public and private keys to the sender and receiver. The private key is used to sign the transaction, and the public key is used to verify the signature. This means that only the people involved in the transaction can see it, and no one else. Shielded addresses can or cannot include encrypted memos, and wallet transaction receipts do not reveal the sender's address.

If the member has included an encrypted note with the delivery, the receivers can discover only the value delivered to their address.  Zcash will show you how it works. Zcash is a digital currency with solid science that protects your privacy. Using Zcash, people can transact quickly and securely at modest costs. With shielded Zcash, transactions remain private, but address and transaction information can be shared selectively for auditing and regulatory compliance.

What are the benefits of using shielded transactions?

Shielding your transactions offers a number of benefits, including increased privacy and security, as well as lower fees. When you shield a transaction, your data is encrypted and stored on the Zcash blockchain, making it much more difficult for third−parties to track or interfere with your financial activities. Additionally, shielded transactions are smaller in size than their unshielded counterparts, which results in lower transaction fees.

Are there any drawbacks to using shielded transactions?

Yes, there are a few drawbacks to using shielded transactions. First, they can be more expensive than unshielded transactions. Second, they can take longer to process. Finally, they may not be available on all exchanges.

How can I start using shielded transactions?

If you're looking to add an extra layer of security to your Bitcoin transactions, you may want to consider using shielded transactions. Shielded transactions use a technology called "zk−SNARKs" to keep the sender, recipient, and amount of a transaction hidden from the public blockchain. This makes it much more difficult for anyone to track or interfere with your transactions.

To start using shielded transactions, you'll need a wallet that supports them. The most popular zk−SNARKs wallets are Zcash and Zcoin. Once you've set up your wallet, you can begin sending and receiving shielded transactions.

One thing to keep in mind is that because shielded transactions are more private than regular Bitcoin transactions, they may also be less convenient. For example, if you lose your private key, there is no way to recover it or access your funds. So be sure to take extra care when using shielded transactions.


In conclusion, a shielded transaction is a type of cryptocurrency transaction that offers increased privacy and security features. Shielded transactions are made possible by the use of zk−SNARKs, which are a form of zero−knowledge proof. This allows for the verification of a transaction without revealing any sensitive information about the sender or recipient. Shielded transactions are not yet available on all cryptocurrency platforms, but they are becoming more common as platforms look to improve privacy and security features for users.

Updated on: 02-Dec-2022


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