Using G++ to compile multiple .cpp and .h files

To compile multiple files like file_name.h, or file_name.cpp at once, we can use the files like a list one after another. The syntax will be like this −

g++ abc.h xyz.cpp

To run the program, we can use this −



float area(float r){
   return (3.1415*r*r); //area of a circle
float area(float l, float w){
   return (l * w); //area of a rectangle


#include <iostream>
#include "area.h"
using namespace std;
   cout << "Area of circle with radius 2.5 is: " << area(2.5) << endl;
   cout << "Area of rectangle with length and width are 5 and 7 is: " << area(5, 7) << endl;


$ g++ area.h find_area.cpp
$ ./a.out
Area of circle with radius 2.5 is: 19.6344
Area of rectangle with length and width are 5 and 7 is: 35

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019

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