Things You Should Know Before You Start Working in Germany

Germany is one of the most popular locations to look for employment opportunities and career advancement opportunities. Not only would working in Germany shine your portfolio, but it will also provide you with the experience you need to ace your profession. Although there are many employment and professional advancement opportunities in Germany, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before accepting a position in this Western European nation.

Important Things to Consider Before Working in Germany

Before beginning to work in Germany, keep in mind the following few things.

Insurances and taxes

Germany offers lesser wage packages than some other nations due to its lower cost of living. Your salary is significantly reduced by taxes and insurance. Even though there are tax advantages available such as child benefits, paying taxes can occasionally feel difficult in the country of poets.


There are no considerations for shortcuts in German workplace culture. Every argument you make needs to be supported rationally. For you to thrive in Germany, your work must be immaculate and perfect.

Management of time

In Germany, offices open for business as early as 7:30 am. Being on time and managing your time well is highly valued in Germany. It might be offensive to arrive at work even a few minutes late. Keeping a rigorous routine would be requisite.


In Germany, it is vitally important to address people by their last names and with the right credentials. Make sure you always address your superiors with the proper formal pronouns and last names, unless otherwise instructed.

A strict set of guidelines

The tight adherence to rules and regulations is a hallmark of German culture. Before working in Germany, you must familiarise yourself with the laws and norms you'll have to abide by there.


In Germany, you won't be able to use presents and small talk to smoothen out your path to success. A distinct distinction between personal and professional space is highly valued in Germany. In the workplace, handshakes should always take precedence over embraces. Be sure to conduct yourself professionally and with respect for their boundaries and ideals.


Truthful criticism is valued among Germans. Sugarcoating language is viewed as shallow and tricky by them. It is advised not to mistake their direct criticism for crude remarks.


In Germany, privacy is highly regarded and valued. In Germany, open cubicle systems are uncommon in offices, as you may have noticed. Despite the fact that this method discourages socializing at work, it does let employees focus on their tasks and increase efficiency.

A Social Life

Many nations regard socializing with coworkers outside of work to be fairly common. Nevertheless, Germany is an exception to this. In Germany, socializing outside of the workplace is not widespread and is even regarded as somewhat unusual.

Quiet Times

Germany has quiet times that are governed by legislation. Drilling, music, vacuuming, and other loud noises are not allowed during quiet hours on Sundays or between 1 and 3 o'clock. Be careful not to violate the quiet times on Sundays, holidays, or at night.

Work in Germany: Dos and Don'ts

Do’s of Working in Germany

Study German

Before looking for a career in Germany, learn German. Learn the fundamental words and phrases, the distinctions between du, Sie, and sie, and how to tell time because these small skills are crucial! Learn as much as you can about German language basics.

If you can at least learn how to say "entschuldigung" to the person you tripped over on the subway or quickly comprehend the grocery store checkout clerk when she tells you your total, it will greatly enhance your overall experience, regardless of whether your future job requires any German language skills.

Be on time

You need to work on being efficient and on time if you want to succeed in Germany. When you work in Germany, even a few extra minutes counts. Late arrivals and poor time management skills are scorned. However, this could be a benefit if you are willing to gain professionalism in your career and life.

Observe the schedule

In general, Germans feel most at ease when their lives are well-organized. This demonstrates that schedules are not general suggestions but rather specify in great detail Who, What, When, Where, and Why at any given time. It won't go down well if you abruptly cancel plans or try to be impulsive or throw in a surprise.

Therefore, whether adding to or changing the program at any moment, preparation is always advised. Don't wait to propose a proposal or set up a meeting if you have been delaying it. Reserve your spot before it sells out.

Be courteous and professional

Germany is renowned for its structured and productive workplace culture. Make sure to limit conversation in the office to things that are pertinent and appropriate. A good pointer for not-so-social people.

Dont’s of Working in Germany

Don't sound sensitive

In Germany, conversations at work (and also in daily life) are short and to the point. Working abroad in Germany might not be for you if you are most motivated by praise for a job well done and are unable to handle direct criticism. Your performance is accepted on the basis of your work and nothing else.

It doesn't follow that you should be disrespectful or just blurt out anything that comes to mind. Instead, sophisticated behavior, plain communication, and gestures like a strong handshake, demonstrate confidence and competency.

Avoid going off on tangents

If the aforementioned tip didn't make it clear enough, try to avoid making small conversation with your coworkers and instead stick to serious and pertinent topics. Germans place a strong emphasis on keeping the lines between work and personal life clearly defined.

If the environment is acceptable (e.g., after-work drinks or a casual business luncheon), resist the impulse to broach sensitive or introspective subjects with your co-workers and instead introduce yourself by talking about your interests in foreign travel, sports, or hobbies.

Avoid relying excessively on credit cards

Germans tend to use cash more frequently than those in other countries where credit card usage is widespread. While some prefer to accept cash instead of cards, others dislike using cards for modest purchases.


It should come as no surprise that German employees adhere to the notion that laws, rules, and regulations are there to be followed given their reputation for punctuality, organization, thoroughness, and professionalism. So take the time to understand the rules and then make sure you follow them. After all, traits like honesty, integrity, respect, and efficiency are getting difficult to find outside of this well-functioning nation, so we should all learn a thing or two from the Germans.

Updated on: 11-Jan-2023


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