Things to know before building a career in IoT

Experts in IoT are in greater demand. Many already-used technologies are in demand by businesses, so you might already be prepared. These are the qualifications for an IoT position.

Huge changes in how businesses spend money on technology are already being brought about by the Internet of Things (IoT). IDC predicts that more than $1 trillion-yes, trillion with a t-will be invested in the IoT market between 2015 and 2020, with industrial applications driving the lion's share of that increase. Jobs follow investment wherever it goes: The IoT sector is predicted to employ between 1 million and 2 million technical personnel.

You may be wondering how to ride this potential gravy train if you are new to the tech business or an experienced veteran wishing to change careers. Perhaps you are concerned that your employer may soon shift its focus to the Internet of Things, and you want to prepare now.

Competencies and Skills Requirements

For entry into this field, there are no set requirements. However, a degree in engineering with a focus in IT, computer science, electrical, or electronics would be a better fit. A few institutions provide undergraduate IoT courses, or they specialize in computer science with IoT as a main subject.

Software development − To handle reams of unprocessed data and operate in an uncontrolled environment, an engineer should construct embedded software. Python, C++, and C are the most often used programming languages for IoT software development. In order to create a communication channel between the CPU and a connected device, aspirants also need to be familiar with general-purpose input/output, or I2C, interfaces.

Data analytics − There is a high need for engineers who have experience designing data analytics apps and who can visualize the conclusions drawn from the study of IoT data. A few of the duties an IoT engineer must carry out include batch parallel processing, handling complicated events, and putting machine learning algorithms into practice.

IoT devices communicate with cloud-based devices and apps through wireless networking networks. Designing and managing these networks is crucial for an IoT expert. Understanding the many standards, protocols, and technologies that support connected devices and network design can make a professional stand out.

Be Aware of What you Need to Learn

The fundamentals of an IoT skill set can sound like a greatest hits compilation of 2017's tech buzzwords. But that shouldn't come as a surprise, as the IoT is mostly becoming a reality because these new technologies are finally taking off in the market. The knowledge that experts believe you require is as follows −

According to Dodi Glenn, vice president of cybersecurity at PC Pitstop, a provider of security solutions, IoT professionals need to understand cloud-based services and machine-to-machine connections. In order to comprehend the data and trend analytics produced by IoT devices, they also need database experience. Carl Herberger, vice president of security solutions at Radware, a provider of application delivery and security solutions for virtual, cloud, and software-defined data centers, adds that "enterprises will need to deal with the influx of data that starts flowing in and analyze it in real time as it grows by the minute." Big data analytics technologies will then play a critical role in the IoT revolution. The following generation of data scientists and DBAs will benefit.

Automation, according to Herberger, will be a crucial component of IoT deployment, management, and upkeep. As a result, you'll need to be familiar with "technology like OpenStack and other software-defined networking-based automation systems, as well as REST and SOAP APIs and the capacity to build bots."

Keep soft Skills in Mind

Don't expect to work in the dynamic sector of IoT by simply sitting at a desk all day. Glenn asserts that effective problem-solving, communication and troubleshooting abilities are necessary. "Normally, I would anticipate the candidate to have some help desk experience."

Since you'll be collaborating with people to build IoT technologies and solve their issues, Agarwal advises having emotional intelligence and being a good team player. You should also be familiar with design thinking and know how to market IoT solutions for certain industries, he continues, because many IoT rollouts are created from scratch and must be presented to the department or customer that will be utilizing them.

You might be Prepared for your first IoT job Already

IoT mixes existing technologies in a novel way, as is the case with most new technical advances. Before someone with a four-year degree with a focus on the Internet of Things enters the employment market, years will pass. Take what you've learned here, review what you don't know, and consider how to best present what you do if you need to move quickly.

IoT is a vast area, according to Mandeep Khera, chief marketing officer of Arxan, a business that specializes in mobile apps and IoT and provides an enterprise solution for application protection. "Look at the industry you want to concentrate on: home automation, business operations, healthcare, the automobile industry, etc.

Then consider the technological elements − big data for analytics; cloud, since much of it goes through the cloud; network administration because it's all about the network; embedded software in gateways and other devices, etc. You can pretty much use your knowledge of each of these fields, together with the IoT fundamentals, once you've chosen the subject that you prefer. shouldn't be that challenging.

IoT-related opportunities and career prospects are fascinating. According to a survey, an IoT specialist has a median pay of Rs. 15 lakh per year, which is 75% higher than that of an IT professional.

Updated on: 13-Feb-2023


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