The Health Benefits and Risks of Green Tea for People With Type 2 Diabetes

Most of you must have heard about the fantastic things green tea can do for the body. Researchers have looked into how this nutrient powerhouse may help increase cognitive function, prevent infections, and promote heart health. Is the drink beneficial for type 2 Diabetic patients? It seems that it is.

What are the Health Benefits of Green tea for Type 2 Diabetes Patients?

There is a good amount of study on how green tea may aid in weight loss and hence aid those with type 2 diabetes in controlling their blood sugar levels. Depending on the kind, there are no calories in a plain cup of steeped green tea. It implies a fantastic substitute for calorie- and sugar-rich sodas and energy drinks.

You become more sensitive to insulin and have lower blood sugar levels when you lose weight. Four cups per day helped reduce blood pressure and weight loss.

By reducing the digestion and absorption of carbs, the catechins in green tea assist in reducing the consequences of insulin resistance. Regular green tea consumption reduced insulin resistance in patients with diabetes and raised HDL ("good") cholesterol levels. Participants drank a 150-milliliter infusion of green tea three times per day for four weeks.

It's unlikely that drinking green tea by itself will help you manage your blood sugar or cholesterol levels; you'll also need to eat a balanced diet that's low in added sugars, simple carbohydrates, and saturated fat and keep a close eye on your statistics.

Drinking green tea may also lower the chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes.

Powerful antioxidants in green tea, such as polyphenols, may have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and cholesterol-lowering properties. Plants include polyphenols, which assist in preventing cellular deterioration. A few different varieties of green tea account for about 40% of its dry weight.

Green tea may also have a relaxing impact on the body and mind. L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation, is an ingredient. L-theanine may assist in lowering anxiety and preventing blood pressure increases brought on by stress. Drinking a cup of green tea can help you feel calmer because diabetes can add to your stress and anxiety.

How Much Green tea must one Consume if They Have Type 2 Diabetes?

As long as you don't add sugar, research indicates that drinking green tea has no drawbacks. They must refrain from adding sugar to beverages when managing diabetic patients. It is advisable to drink unsweetened tea or tea sweetened with stevia instead.

Stevia is a sugar replacement made from the stevia plant's leaves. Because it contains less than 1 calorie and no carbohydrates per packet, it is a preferred option by many doctors for diabetic patients. Stevia was the only low-calorie sweetener (together with aspartame and sucrose) that was demonstrated to lower blood sugar and insulin levels after a meal.

Avoid using honey or table sugar (brown or white) and choose a sweetener like a stevia if you find green tea to be too bitter.

Another consideration while consuming green tea is the presence of caffeine, which might impact blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The latter is especially concerning for persons with type 2 diabetes, who have a 2 to 4 times greater risk of dying from heart disease than those without the condition.

Checking your blood sugar levels before and after consuming green tea is a fantastic method to determine how your body reacts to the quantity of caffeine in it. You haven't if you are still within your target range before and after. Doctors advise checking blood pressure regularly using a home blood pressure cuff.

The good news is that compared to black or coffee, green tea contains a lot less caffeine.

However, it can still be a problem if your body is sensitive to caffeine.

What is the best time for Drinking Green tea for Diabetes?

Green tea is a healthy beverage for those with diabetes. It results from the tea's inclusion of the catechin named epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG has been shown in studies to increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels.

If you have diabetes, it is advantageous to drink green tea in the morning or in between meals because it can help control blood sugar levels and increase energy.

Be advised that green tea does contain some caffeine and that for some people, it can raise blood sugar levels. Hence, to prevent disturbing your sleep, think about drinking decaffeinated green tea or limit your intake to the morning.

Moreover, drinking green tea with meals can lessen the absorption of iron from the food. Thus, keeping an eye on blood sugar levels and maintaining diet and medicines is a good way to keep oneself fit.

What are the Potential Risks of Consuming Green tea?

Although a variety of teas may benefit diabetics' health, it's crucial to drink tea in a way that encourages optimal blood sugar regulation.

To improve the flavor of their tea, many individuals like to sweeten it with sugar or honey.

The best option for persons with diabetes is unsweetened tea, even though occasionally consuming a lightly sweetened beverage is unlikely to have a substantial impact on blood sugar levels.

This is because added sugar, particularly in the form of sweetened beverages, raises blood sugar levels, which might eventually result in poor blood sugar control.

The healthiest option for everyone, especially those with impaired blood sugar regulation, is to drink unsweetened tea. Try adding a squeeze of lemon or a dash of cinnamon to your tea to flavor it without adding sugar.

When purchasing pre-bottled tea products, be on the lookout for added sugars on the ingredient and nutrition fact labels.

When looking for a tea that is suitable for people with diabetes, it's also essential to keep in mind that some herbal teas may interact with typical diabetic drugs.

Before consuming green tea, it's crucial to see your doctor because many herbs have the potential to combine with different medications.


As is evident from the article, green tea, contains potent chemicals that may be helpful for diabetics. But, it is crucial to select unsweetened tea beverages wherever feasible, and you should always consult your doctor before including a new tea in your diet. It will help to reap more benefits for your health.

Updated on: 07-Mar-2023


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