Suggest two methods to find out wind direction at a given place.

Methods that can be used to find out wind direction at a given place:

The following methods can be used to find the direction of the wind at a certain place. 

1. By dry leaf or a piece of paper:
A dry leaf or a piece of paper can be used to find the direction of the wind at a certain given place. Let us drop a piece of paper or a dry leaf for free falling, the paper or a dry leap will fly in the direction of the wind. 

2. Observing a flying kite
A flying kite can be used to find the direction of the wind. The direction of a flying kite will be in the wind direction as a kite flies due to pressure exerted by the air. 

Another alternating method for finding the direction of the wind:

By slipping off the sand:
The direction of the wind can be known by slipping off light sand by hand, movement of dust particles in a particular direction will give the direction of the wind.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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