Strike and Lockout

The bounds of research are constrained by the combination of strikes and lockouts into disputes. There is a bias for strikes when the two different sorts of conflicts are combined into one category. Lockouts are not common, therefore when there are several strikes, they tend to drown. In fact, the authors themselves and others publish many quantitative studies on disputes as strike studies. Bundling strikes and lockouts together effectively conceals one of an employer's key weapons.

This indicates that strikes and lockouts are not only conceptually unique but also differ in terms of frequency, duration, involvement, and volume in the real world. Also, it appears that strikes and lockouts act differently over the course of the economic cycle, and a view from a micro-level reveal that the two conflict forms have different consequences on the psychological health of the participants.

Further, it is demonstrated that the scope, methods, and objectives of lockouts vary between nations. Lockout activity is also not insignificant as compared to overall conflict activity. On some days when there are labor disputes, lockouts may even be the main cause.

Meaning of Strike

The strike is one of labor's most traditional and potent tools in the fight against capitalism for economic justice. The primary benefit of a strike is the right of workers to take time off from work, which forces an adjustment to the terms of employment. Old English words called Striken to go are where it got its start. It is slang for hitting, impressing, happening, and quitting a job over a trade disagreement.

The Industrial Dispute Act of 1947 defines "strike" in section 2. (g), "Strike" is defined as "a cessation of work by a group of people employed in a particular industry acting jointly, or a concerted refusal, or a refusal under a common understanding, of any number of people who are or have been employed in such a way to continue working or to accept employment."

Prerequisite for Strike

  • A halt to work is required.

  • A group of people working in any business must stop working,

  • The strikers must have been acting jointly,

  • The strikers must be engaged in any place that can be considered an industry.

  • Refusal on the part of a group of people who are or have been employed in this way to take a job or to continue working.

  • They are forced to stop working due to requirements relating to employment, non-employment, the terms of employment, or the working conditions of the workers.

Strike's Components

There are following ingredients of strike −

Work Stoppage

The most important characteristic of a strike idea is this. It has been expressed in a variety of ways, including abandonment, stoppage, omission of performance of duties of their posts, hindering or reducing normal work, hindrance to the working or suspension of work, discontinuing the employment or breaking their service contract, refusing or failing to return to or resume employment, or refusing or failing to accept engagement for any work which they are typically employed for. Therefore, in order to strike, work must halt, or any number of people employed for the work must refuse to do it, but the refusal must be coordinated or made in accordance with a common idea.

Coordinate Effort

A united action is another crucial component of the strike. A shared understanding among the employees is required. A strike is the collective suspension of work by a group of people working in any industry. So, it is necessary to demonstrate in a strike that work was stopped or stopped under a shared understanding, that workers took a concerted action, or that people stopped working in unison. Individual worker work stoppages do not constitute a strike. A strike occurs when several people refuse to work together, refuse to accept new employment, or resume their previous jobs in a concerted action.

Prohibition of Strikes

  • Without giving the employer the minimum six weeks' notice prior to the strike.

  • Before the strike's expiration date, as stated in the notice, and within 14 days after obtaining such information.

  • Throughout the time that any conciliation proceedings are ongoing.

  • Seven days following the conciliation officer's decision.

Meaning of Lockout

For the purpose of obtaining concessions from employees, a lockout is defined as the employer withholding employment and closing all or part of his commercial establishment. It is the action of an employer who temporarily shuts down their business or refuses to hire anyone at all, given that they are doing this to force their employees to comply with demands made by either them or other employers.

The term "lockout" is defined as follows in Section 2(l) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947,"Lock-out" refers to the temporary closure of an employer's place of business, the stoppage of operations, or the employer's unwillingness to continue employing any number of his employees.

Prerequisites for Lockout

  • There needs to be a requirement that industrial establishments are prohibited from meeting.

  • The brief shutdown of a business or workplace A lockout is not the same thing as a permanent shutdown.

  • If they agree to the request, there must be an intention to reopen or to hire the person again.

  • There must be an industrial process being performed by the employer and employees at a facility that fits the definition of industry.

Prohibition of Lockout

  • Before the lockout, no six-week notice was given to the workers.

  • Within 14 days following the notification's delivery.

  • Prior to the conclusion of the lockout period mentioned in the notice.

  • Over the course of any arbitration process,

Illegal Strike and Lockout

A strike or lockout that violates Sections 22 and 23 is prohibited by Section 24. A strike by an employee in an industry is prohibited by Section 23, which runs counter to the contracts' stated terms. Furthermore, no employer of such a worker may start a lockout. If a strike affects a public utility, it is also unlawful.

According to the Act, anyone who maintains a strike or lockout against the law may face sanctions and penalties. An employee who starts a strike may receive up to a fifty-rupee fine or a one-month jail sentence.


In India, the right to strike is not an unalienable basic right. Only if a few prerequisites are met is this conditional right available. The creators of the Constitution would have made it obvious if they intended for this right to be recognized as a fundamental right. Strikes are a tactic used by workers to get what they want from their employers, and lockouts are a tactic used by employers to get what they want from their employees.

So, a strike or lockout may be legal or unlawful depending on certain parameters and circumstances. Unlawful strikes and lockouts result in punishment, fines, or a combination of the two.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What do you mean by walkout?

Ans. An employee collectively abandoning their place of employment and refusing to perform any work is known as a "walkout" in labor conflicts. A walkout can also refer to the act of quitting a company, organization, conference, or place of employment, particularly when done to express dissent or dissatisfaction.

Q2. What is boycott?

Ans. Using a product, person, organization, or nation as an example, a boycott is an act of nonviolent, voluntarily avoiding them out of disapproval. Often, it is done for ethical, social, political, or ecological grounds. A boycott is intended to cause the target to suffer some financial harm or to express moral outrage while attempting to persuade them to change their unacceptable behavior.

Q3. What is strike action?

Ans. A work stoppage brought on by widespread employee refusal to perform their duties is known as a strike action, also known as a labor strike, a labor strike, or just a strike. Often, Employee grievances are addressed via a strike. Strikes were more common throughout the Industrial Revolution as the need for mass labor in mines and factories grew.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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