Starter Kit to Learning Puppet Achitecture

Puppet is a configuration management and deployment tool that serves as a safety net for IT infrastructure when SysAdmin teams become overburdened. With machine-like efficiency that humans rarely match, Puppet enables users to install multiple servers with identical specifications and thresholds, ensuring that all IT systems are maintained consistently. As a deployment tool, Puppet can autonomously install software, services, and applications on nodes. Puppet implements "Infrastructure as code," codifying the procedures, directives, and other elements of an IT company. The tool is an important asset for expanding IT staff in even faster-growing companies.

Let's start this Puppet lesson by discussing why you might want to use Puppet.

Why do you need Puppet?

International businesses are complicated and dispersed. Any group of system administrators in charge of upkeep of an organization's IT infrastructure (data centres, server centres, and associated systems) will eventually hit critical mass. This occurs when the IT needs of the business outweigh the team's capabilities. This puts IT leaders in a bind without making adjustments to the funding and staffing levels.

Puppet comes into play here, allowing smaller teams to complete more duties through advanced automation. Data and server center changes can happen in a matter of seconds. Puppet can immediately roll back to prior working states, reducing the impact of server failures. With on-demand server deployments and strict security, Puppet reduces distribution hassles. Simple Ruby scripts are used to activate everything.

Puppet Architecture

Multiple clients may connect to the Puppet-master, where coding is written and saved, using a master-slave architecture comprised of a Puppet-master and Puppet-client. If the customer needs configuration codes, he simply asks for them.

This exemplifies the Puppet architecture's elements −

Puppet Architecture

Manifests is the Puppet-first master's sub-competent, where Ruby code is created. Manifests, templates, and files are all connected together by modules. These codes specify how to carry out different tasks for the client.

The data is the next element, which is made up of templates. For instance, a user could write the code in the manifest to generate a file named index.html on one of the client machines. The templates contain the text of the file. towards the puppeteer.

Puppet master's certificate authority (CA) is a crucial element. When the client transmits the certificate to the master, the CA gives the master permission to sign the certificates. The Puppet-master and the Puppet client interact using an exchange of SSL certificates. The master's signature on a certificate verifies that the client is registered and authorizes data transmission.

All contact between the master and the client must go through the agent component. All information about the client's current condition is gathered by the factor component, which then sends it to the puppet master. The client is sent the manifest, which is used to match data to (depending on the comparison results).

Let's look at the puppet design now that we have learned about it in this puppet tutorial.

The Puppet's Working

Each component in a scenario involving a master and three clients reveals itself to the others, establishing an encrypted communication channel. Through this channel, all data exchanged between the master client moves.

At the center of this process are the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Credentials. The certificates make sure outside systems cannot access data that is transmitted over an encrypted route.

Must Know About Puppet

  • Puppet Architecture Overview  Puppet is a configuration management tool that helps automate the deployment, configuration, and management of IT infrastructure. The architecture of Puppet consists of three main components: Master, Agent, and Modules.

  • Puppet Master  The Puppet Master is the central control system that manages all configuration data and code. It provides a web interface for administrators to manage the configuration of their infrastructure. The Puppet Master also manages the distribution of configuration changes to Puppet Agents.

  • Puppet Agent  The Puppet Agent runs on every node in your infrastructure and communicates with the Puppet Master to receive and apply configuration changes. The Puppet Agent periodically checks in with the Puppet Master to retrieve new configuration changes.

  • Modules  Modules are collections of Puppet code that define a specific configuration or functionality. Modules can be written by users or obtained from the Puppet Forge, which is a repository of community-contributed Puppet code.

  • Puppet DSL  Puppet code is written using the Puppet Domain-Specific Language (DSL). The DSL is a declarative language that describes the desired state of the infrastructure. Puppet code is organized into manifests, which are files that define the desired configuration for a particular node or group of nodes.

  • Puppet Manifests  Puppet manifests define the desired configuration for a node or group of nodes. A manifest can include resources, which are the building blocks of Puppet code. Resources describe a specific configuration item, such as a file, package, or service.

  • Puppet Modules  Puppet modules are collections of manifests, templates, and files that define a specific configuration or functionality. Modules can be organized into environments, which are directories that contain different versions of the same module.

  • Puppet Classes  Puppet classes are used to organize and group resources within a manifest or module. Classes provide a way to encapsulate configuration logic and make it reusable.

  • Puppet Facts  Puppet facts are pieces of information about a node, such as its operating system, network settings, or hardware configuration. Puppet facts can be used to create dynamic manifests that are tailored to the specific characteristics of a node.

  • Puppet Forge  The Puppet Forge is a repository of community-contributed Puppet code. Users can download modules from the Forge and use them in their infrastructure.


IT teams can automate the management of their infrastructure using the configuration management and deployment tool puppet. It is especially beneficial for multinational corporations with complicated and distributed IT systems. The Puppet architecture is made up of three major components: the Puppet Master, the Puppet Agent, and the Modules. The primary management platform for all configuration data and code, the Puppet Master interacts with the Puppet Agent to implement configuration changes. Puppet code collections called modules define a particular configuration or capability. The Puppet Domain-Specific Language (DSL) is used to create manifests, which specify the intended configuration for a specific node or group of nodes. Puppet classes are used to organize and group resources within a manifest or module, while Puppet facts provide information about a node. The Puppet Forge is a repository of community-contributed Puppet code that can be downloaded and used in infrastructure.

Updated on: 27-Apr-2023


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