Second and Third Round Table Conferences


The Second and Third Round table conferences were orchestrated with a thought to close the gaps and come to a proper conclusion concerning the government laws, ruling, and rights of Indians. The main aim of arranging round table conferences (RTC) was to find out the solution and best suitable way for mitigating Simon's report’s issue. The very first RTC was arranged and conducted on 12th November 1930.

The duration of this conference lasts up to 19th January 1931. Most of the leaders were found not to be present at this specific conference because of Gandhi’s movement about Civil Disobedience.

Second Round Table Conference

The first round table conference was not satisfying for the Indians. Therefore, the urge of gaining fruitful outcomes led to arranging the second round table conference (RTC). This event was held on 7th September, 1931 and lasted till 1st December, 1931. Mahatma Gandhi and INC were the notable attendees for the conference.

Image 1: Two most notable attendees of 2nd RTC


Some other most notable and active participants of the second RTC were as follows −

  • Some leaders, namely, Mahatma Gandhi, Madan Mohan Malaviya and Rangaswami Iyengar, represent British Indians. All these three leaders were integral parts of INC.

  • British delegates were also present, among which James Ramsey MacDonald was the most reputable one.

  • Indian Maharajas, Princes and reputable Divans represented all Indian princely states.

  • Aga Khan III, Md. Ali Jinnah and Muhammad Iqbal represented Muslims at this conference. There are some other Muslim leaders as well to support his region.

  • M R Jayakar represented Hindus.

  • Sarojini Naidu was a famous representative at this conference who represented all the Indian females and took an active part during the conference.

  • Some other participants were there as well whose contribution to the second RTC was mentionable. Among them, liberals, Europeans, Indian Christians, Sikhs, Justice Party, Anglo-Indians and Parses were significant ones.

Outcomes of the Second RTC

There is a major difference between the first and the second RTC. The participation of INC influenced the overall success matters of this specific conference. Another important outcome of this conference was the impact of MacDonald’s presence as the head of the National Government and not as the head of a Labour government.

Image 2: Portrait of Ramsay MacDonald, British statesman and Prime Minister, 1911

  • The British government because of representing minorities within India granted a communal award. Each minor community were provided separate electorates but Mahatma Gandhi was fully opposed to such consideration. B.R. Ambedkar and Gandhi has opposed thoughts about the minorities issue. However, this problem got solved with the aid of Poorna Pact, 1932.

  • The overall conclusion about the second RTC is that it was a failure as most of the outcomes were not satisfying for all the attend. INC had a full claim to speak for the entire of India but in contrast, the other parties were on the opposite side of this claim.

Third Round Table Conference

The second RTC, being a failed attempt for the Indians led to arranging another conference. The third RTC started on 17th November 1932 and lasted till 24th December 1932.

The whole duration of this session was not so long but in the history of India, this left a huge impact. Most of the failure points of second-round table conferences were covered in these specific sessions.


The most noticeable participants of the third RTC were as follows −

  • At this conference, only 46 delegates took an active part.

  • The most influential factor of this conference is that both the INC and the labour party had decided to step out from this conference and therefore none of these was present.

  • All the Indian princely states were well represented by divans and princes.

  • Most of the British Indians were represented by Aga Khan who was a Muslim.

  • An important part of this conference was the depressed classes whose demands were highlighted during the conference and in the future, this matter impacts the overall development of India.

  • Some more responsible and notable participants of this specific conference were labour groups, women and Europeans. Certain leaders whose participation in the conference helps to focus on almost all associated matters represented Anglo Indians.

Outcomes of the Third Round Table Conference

This particular conference was not as fruitful as expected. All the covered information and new considerations were used in future to make several new decisions for the overall development of the region. The Government of India Act was developed and passed in the following year 1935 because of this conference.


The first RTC was not adequate and properly beneficial for Indian citizens. Therefore, arranging another RTC was necessary to come to a firmer and proper solution. Each of the conferences possesses immense significance as certain areas were highlighted in these conferences. The outcomes of all these three conference present that there are requirements for more active participation of the leaders in mitigating regional issues. All the outcomes were published in the paper, which was later discussed in the British parliament for future development.


Q1.Who was the most important attendee in the 2nd RTC?

Ans.In Indian history, the 2nd round table conference holds a significant place. In this conference, Mahatma Gandhi attended. The main intention of this person in this conference was to discuss every possible constitutional reform and overall development of India.

Q2.What was the most important outcome of the 3rd RTC?

Ans.In this specific round table conference, the 3rd one, the labour party from Britain refused to join and the Indian National Congress (INC) was also in the same consent. At this conference, only around 46 attendees were present.

Q3.Who was the common person, attending all three RTCs?

Ans.The records of these conferences present that among attendees of these conferences, only one or two persons were present for all of these. B. R. Ambedkar was present during all three round table conferences.

Updated on: 18-Dec-2023


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