Reverse each tuple in a list of tuples in Python

When it is required to reverse each tuple in a list of tuples, the negative step slicing can be used.

A list can be used to store heterogeneous values (i.e data of any data type like integer, floating point, strings, and so on). A list of tuple basically contains tuples enclosed in a list.

In negative slicing, the index is accessed using negative numbers, instead of positive ones.

Below is a demonstration for the same −


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def reverse_tuple(my_tuple):
   return [tup[::-1] for tup in my_tuple]
my_list = [(21, 22), (43, 74, 45), (76, 17, 98, 19)]
print("The list of tuples is ")


The list of tuples is
[(21, 22), (43, 74, 45), (76, 17, 98, 19)]
[(22, 21), (45, 74, 43), (19, 98, 17, 76)]


  • A method name 'reverse_tuple' is defined that takes a list of tuple as parameter.
  • It iterates through the parameter and uses the '::' operator and negative indexing to return elements up to last index.
  • A list of tuple is defined, and is displayed on the console.
  • The previously defined user function is called by passing this list of tuples to it.
  • This output is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 13-Mar-2021


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