Remove tuple from list of tuples if not containing any character in Python

When it is required to remove a tuple from a list of tuples based on a given condition, i.e the tuple doesn't contain a specific character, the list comprehension can be used.

A list can be used to store heterogeneous values (i.e data of any data type like integer, floating point, strings, and so on). A list of tuple basically contains tuples enclosed in a list.

The list comprehension is a shorthand to iterate through the list and perform operations on it.

Below is a demonstration for the same −


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my_list = [('. ', 62), ('Mark', 5),
   ('Paul.', 21), ('.....', 0),
   ('-Jane', 115), ('Jake', 15),
   ('::', 63), ('John', 3), ('--', 1),
   ('there', 82), ('Harold', 100)]

my_result = [(a, b) for a, b in my_list
   if any(c.isalpha() for c in a)]

print("The tuple that doesn't contain any character has been removed")
print("The resultant list of tuple is :")


The tuple that doesn't contain any character has been removed
The resultant list of tuple is :
[('Mark', 5), ('Paul.', 21), ('-Jane', 115), ('Jake', 15), ('John', 3), ('there', 82), ('Harold', 100)]


  • A list of tuple is defined, and is displayed on the console.
  • The list of tuple is iterated over, and checked whether it belongs to the alphabet family.
  • This operation's data is stored in a variable.
  • This variable is the output that is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 13-Mar-2021


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