Replacing and then opening stdinstdout over ssh


When it comes to remote access, SSH (Secure Shell) is one of most widely used protocols for secure communication. It allows users to remotely access and control servers, and also allows for secure transfer of data. However, sometimes you may need to replace and then open stdin/stdout over SSH to improve efficiency of remote access process. This article will explain how to do this, along with examples.

Understanding stdin and stdout

Before we dive into details, let's first understand what stdin and stdout are. In Unix-based systems, stdin is a file descriptor that represents standard input stream. It is used to read data from keyboard or any other input source. Similarly, stdout is a file descriptor that represents standard output stream. It is used to write data to console or any other output destination.

Replacing stdin and stdout over SSH

When you establish an SSH connection, stdin and stdout are automatically mapped to local terminal. However, sometimes you may want to replace them with other input/output sources to improve efficiency of remote access process.

One way to replace stdin and stdout is to use SSH command-line option '-n'. This option redirects stdin from /dev/null and stdout to local terminal. This means that any input or output data will be sent to remote server via SSH connection. Here's an example −

$ ssh -n user@remotehost 'echo "hello world"'

In this example, '-n' option replaces stdin and stdout with /dev/null and local terminal respectively. command 'echo "hello world"' is executed on remote server and output is sent back to local terminal.

Another way to replace stdin and stdout is to use SSH command-line option '-N'. This option creates an SSH connection without opening a shell on remote server. This means that you can use stdin and stdout to execute commands or transfer files over SSH connection. Here's an example −

$ ssh -N user@remotehost 'ls -l /'

In this example, '-N' option replaces stdin and stdout with SSH connection. command 'ls -l /' is executed on remote server and output is sent back to local terminal via SSH connection.

Opening stdin and stdout over SSH

Once you have replaced stdin and stdout over SSH, you may want to open them again to interact with remote server. To do this, you can use SSH command-line option '-t'. This option forces allocation of a pseudo-tty on remote server, which allows you to interact with it as if you were sitting in front of it. Here's an example −

$ ssh -t user@remotehost 'vim /path/to/file'

In this example, '-t' option opens stdin and stdout again, and forces allocation of a pseudo-tty on remote server. command 'vim /path/to/file' is executed on remote server, and Vim editor is opened in pseudo-tty. You can now edit file as if you were sitting in front of remote server.

Benefits of replacing and opening stdin/stdout over SSH

Replacing and then opening stdin/stdout over SSH has several benefits, including −

  • Improved security − When you replace stdin and stdout with other input/output sources, you reduce risk of any malicious input or output from compromising security of remote server. This is especially important if you're executing sensitive commands or transferring sensitive data over SSH connection.

  • Improved efficiency − By replacing stdin and stdout with other input/output sources, you can execute commands or transfer files over SSH connection without opening a shell on remote server. This can save time and reduce resources required to establish a remote access session.

  • Improved control − By opening stdin and stdout again, you can interact with remote server as if you were sitting in front of it. This gives you more control over remote access session and allows you to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Tips for replacing and opening stdin/stdout over SSH

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when replacing and opening stdin/stdout over SSH −

  • Be careful when replacing stdin and stdout − If you replace stdin and stdout with other input/output sources, make sure you're using trusted sources that are not susceptible to manipulation or tampering.

  • Use '-t' option with caution − While opening stdin and stdout again with '-t' option is convenient, it can also be a security risk. Make sure you trust remote server and commands you're executing before using this option.

  • Use SSH keys for authentication − Instead of using passwords to authenticate your SSH connections, use SSH keys. This is a more secure method of authentication that reduces risk of unauthorized access to remote server.


Replacing and then opening stdin/stdout over SSH can improve efficiency of remote access process. By replacing stdin and stdout with other input/output sources, you can execute commands or transfer files over SSH connection without opening a shell on remote server. And by opening stdin and stdout again, you can interact with remote server as if you were sitting in front of it. With examples provided in this article, you can start using these features in your own SSH connections.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023


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