Difference between FTP and SSH

Data transfer can be initiated from the user or client machine by sending a request and at the other end, the server or destination device receives the request, verifies and validates it before sending a response message. Data transmitted are converted into packets or bits as per each layer’s functionalities. The application layer of the OSI model is the top layer near the end user, and communication happens between the application layer protocols and the user. This layer provides options for file sharing, data transfer, and database access.


File Transfer Protocol is used for sharing files from sender to receiver over the network. It is based on client−server architecture, where the server would forward the files requested by the client. FTP does not provide any encryption to the username and passwords that are sent during transmission, these connection commands can be accessed by anyone over the network. These security concerns can be solved by using FTPS, SSH, or VPN. So, users opt for secure data communications using a Secure Socket Layer and Transport layer security for reliable file accessing, managing, and other file management operations.


Secure Socket Shell allows two computers to communicate and exchange information over insecure network connections. It uses remote login to provide credentials and command line execution for data transfer. It uses a client−server architecture, where the client sends a request to the server. The server sends a public key and opens a secure channel to the client for starting the data transmission. Then the client authenticates to the server by providing login credentials.

It works on three hierarchical components as a transport layer that performs the initial exchange of keys, server authentication, and encryption methods and manages compression and integrity checks. The second component is the user authentication layer which is responsible for managing client−server authentication for confirming the identity of the client and the third one is the connection protocol that controls the channels between authorized parties during the transmission process. It supports data encryption by encrypting all the data traffic between client and server during the communication process.

It uses three methods of encryption such as symmetric, asymmetric, and hashing. SSH needs to verify unknown public keys because unauthorized users can use this public key to interfere with the network, if not properly validated. It uses TCP/IP for communication with port no.22. When the user wants to initiate a connection, the remote system should run sshd to listen for incoming requests using port no.22 then it authenticates the input request and activates the connection.

This protocol has substituted unprotected remote shell protocols like telnet, Berkley remote Shell, and RCP. It is widely used by networking professionals or administrators for managing applications remotely.

Basis of difference




It is developed by Abhay Bhushan in the year 1971 for RFC 959.

SSH−1 was invented by Tatu Yionen in 1995.


Purpose It sends files from one host to another.

It is used for transferring data through a secured shell channel.

Port Used

It uses TCP ports number 20 and 21 for sending data and control information.

Uses TCP port number 22 to provide secure access to the server devices.


It represents a two−way communication, where host devices communicate by uploading and downloading files.

Communication is made from ssh terminal to authenticate remote login.


FTP needs a username and password for initiating the file transfer.

Uses various methods for authentication process with passwords, public−key, GSSAPI, keyboard, or OTP method.


The initial version of FTP does not use any encryption method.

Uses symmetric, asymmetric, and hashing encryption algorithms.


FTP has been invented to transmit files between devices then SFTP was designed to provide secured file transfer.

SSH−1 and SSH−2 are two versions of SSH, where the second version is designed to reduce security breaches that exist in the initial version.


FTP is used in wider networks for transferring files, it may not be portable for environments with firewalls or similar security applications.

It is more portable than FTP and operates in a Unix−oriented operating system.


Transferring files from source to destination with file operations like copy, move, delete, etc.

It transfers files and uses shell commands to execute on the remote device, and also supports tunneling and monitoring applications.


FTP transfers data at a faster rate as there is no encryption process.

Data transfer speed is less than FTP.


No security algorithms for data and control messages

It provides high security using authentication and encryption methods.


FTP sends files from one host to another using command line requests along with an authentication process. SSH is designed for communication between network devices in a secured or encrypted mode over an unsecured channel. This provides remote login for the users from one device to another with high−end security options, a robust authentication process, and integrity.

Updated on: 07-Jul-2023


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