SSH Port Forwarding


SSH Port Forwarding is one of the most powerful and versatile features of Secure Shell (SSH). It enables users to securely access remote resources over an encrypted channel by forwarding TCP/IP traffic through a secure tunnel.

SSH Port Forwarding, also known as SSH tunneling, is a technique that allows users to create a secure connection between their local computer and a remote server. It enables users to securely access remote resources, such as databases, web pages, or other network services that are not directly accessible from their local computer.

Understanding SSH Port Forwarding

How SSH works

SSH (Secure Shell) is a secure and encrypted protocol used to transfer data between two computers over the internet. It provides a secure channel for communication by encrypting the data that is transferred between two computers.

The encryption ensures that any information transmitted including passwords, files, and commands are protected from being intercepted by hackers. SSH uses various cryptographic algorithms such as symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, and hashing to ensure the security of the communication channel.

Symmetric encryption uses a shared key to encrypt and decrypt the data while asymmetric encryption uses public and private keys. Hashing is used to ensure the integrity of the message by making sure it hasn't been tampered with during transmission.

Types of SSH Port Forwarding

SSH port forwarding allows you to securely access remote resources over an encrypted connection. There are three types of SSH port forwarding:

Local port forwarding

This type of port forwarding enables you to redirect traffic from your local machine's ports over a secure SSH tunnel to another machine's ports on your network or on an external network.

Remote port forwarding

This type of port forwarding allows you to redirect traffic from another machine's ports over an encrypted connection through an SSH tunnel back to your local machine.

Dynamic port forwarding

This type of port forwarding creates a SOCKS proxy server on your local machine that routes traffic through the SSH server to other machines on the network. This allows you to bypass firewalls and access any service that is available on the remote network.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using SSH Port Forwarding

The main advantage of using SSH port forwarding is that it provides a secure way of accessing remote resources over an encrypted channel. It also allows you to bypass firewalls and other network restrictions, which can be particularly useful for accessing resources in countries where internet censorship is prevalent. However, there are some disadvantages associated with using SSH Port Forwarding.

Firstly, it requires some technical know−how to set up and configure correctly. Secondly, it can affect network performance as data has to be encrypted and decrypted at both ends of the connection.

Setting up SSH Port Forwarding

Requirements for setting up SSH Port Forwarding

Before setting up SSH port forwarding, there are a few things that you need to consider. Firstly, you need to decide which type of port forwarding you want to use − local or remote. Local port forwarding is when you forward traffic from a local computer through an SSH tunnel to another specific destination, while remote port forwarding allows connections from a remote computer to be forwarded through an SSH tunnel to a local computer.

Secondly, ensure that the latest version of OpenSSH software is installed on both the client and server machines. Ensure that the firewall settings on both machines are properly configured and allow traffic through the required ports.

Step−by−step guide on how to set up Local and Remote port forwarding

To set up local port forwarding using OpenSSH software, follow these steps:

  • Open your command line interface (CLI) and connect to the server with your username and password using: ssh [username]@[server_address]

  • In the same terminal window, enter: ssh −L [local_port]:[destination_address]:[remote_port] [username]@[server_address]

  • 3. You can now access your destination address by typing localhost:[local_port] in your web browser.

To set up remote port forwarding using OpenSSH software, follow these steps:

  • Open your CLI and connect to the server with your username and password using: ssh [username]@[server_address]

  • In another terminal window on your local machine enter: ssh −R

    [remote_port]:[destination_address]:[local_port] [username]@[server_address]

  • You can now access your localhost’s service by typing server_address:[remote_port] in your web browser.

Advanced Techniques in Using SSH Port Forwarding

Tunneling through multiple hops using chained port forwarding.

SSH port forwarding is not just limited to local and remote forwarding. It is also possible to chain multiple forwarding connections together to reach a remote machine that is several hops away. This technique is known as "chained port forwarding" or "port hopping." Chained port forwarding involves creating several SSH tunnels, each with its own forward and backward ports, that are then linked together to form a tunnel that spans multiple machines.

Setting up a SOCKS proxy server using dynamic port forwarding.

Another advanced technique that can be used with SSH Port Forwarding is setting up a SOCKS (Socket Secure) proxy server using dynamic port forwarding. Dynamic port forwarding allows you to set up a local SOCKS proxy server that forwards all of your traffic through an encrypted channel. This technique can help you secure your web browsing when on public Wi−Fi or other untrusted networks by encrypting all traffic before it leaves your device.

Securing remote services with reverse tunneling.

The concept of reverse tunneling refers to establishing an SSH connection from the remote machine to the local machine. This technique can be used to secure remote services that are running on your local network but can only be accessed from outside your network. Reverse SSH tunneling works by forwarding traffic to a specific port on the local machine, which then forwards it back through an encrypted SSH tunnel.

Security Considerations When Using SSH Port Forwarding

Threats Posed

While SSH port forwarding is a powerful tool for accessing remote resources securely, it does come with some security risks. One of the main threats posed is that an attacker can potentially compromise the connection and access resources on either end of the tunnel. If they are able to obtain login credentials or find a vulnerability in the service running on either end, they could gain access to sensitive data or systems.

Another threat posed by SSH port forwarding is that it can be used as a way to bypass firewalls and other network security measures. Attackers can use this technique to open up a backdoor into a network, allowing them to conduct further attacks or exfiltrate data undetected.


While there are potential threats when using SSH port forwarding, these risks can be mitigated through careful configuration and best practices. Always use strong passwords or public key authentication when logging into remote machines via SSH. Set up firewall rules to restrict incoming connections from unknown hosts.

Only run services that need to be accessed remotely over an encrypted connection (e.g., HTTPS) unless you're confident that your connection will remain secure throughout the session. With proper attention paid to security considerations when setting up SSH port forwarding sessions, this powerful tool can help you securely access resources on remote machines no matter where you are in the world.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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