Python NetworkX – Tutte Graph

An effective library for modelling and analysing intricate networks and graphs is Python NetworkX. The term "Tutte Graph" refers to a unique class of graphs that W. T. Tutte found. It entails the use of the library's features to implement and investigate Tutte Graphs in the context of Python NetworkX. Tutte Graphs have special characteristics and can be used to address a variety of graph-theoretical issues. Users can learn more about these graphs' structural properties and applications by examining them with NetworkX, which will help them better comprehend graph theory and its applications.

Tutte Graph

Every face of a Tutte graph, a particular kind of planar graph, is either a triangle or a quadrilateral. We write the following sentence in the active voice: "Tutte graph is a planar graph with a distinctive property: all of its faces consist of either triangles or quadrilaterals." The mathematician W. T. Tutte, who thoroughly investigated these graphs' characteristics, is honoured by their namesake. In graph theory, combinatorial optimisation, and algorithm design, tutte graphs are crucial. Planar graph interactions can be better understood and analysed through the use of Tutte graphs, which can then be used to solve a variety of network and structure-related challenges in the real world.


  • The Tutte graph can be drawn on a plane without any edges encroaching on one another since it is a planar graph.

  • The Tutte graph's vertices all have the same degree, which means they have the same number of neighbours.

  • The faces of the Tutte graph are all either triangles or quadrilaterals (4-sided polygons), depending on the face type. There are no faces that have five sides or more.

  • The Tutte graph frequently displays reflecting and rotational symmetries, making it symmetric.

  • The Tutte graph is usually a linked graph, which means that there is a path connecting any two vertices.

  • The face structure and edge connectivity of the Tutte graph are used to derive its combinatorial embedding.

  • In order to examine graph embeddings, the Four-Color Theorem, and other related issues, tutte graphs are crucial.

Methods Used

  • Graph Creation

  • Graph Embedding

  • Community Detection

Graph Creation

The graph generating functions of the library can be used to generate a Tutte Graph using Python NetworkX. Users of NetworkX can create Tutte Graphs programmatically by defining their nodes, edges, and other features in Python code. The library offers a simple and effective method for defining and visualising these particular graphs, allowing users to investigate their special qualities and traits. Users can efficiently study and analyse Tutte Graphs by utilising NetworkX's graph construction functionalities. This improves our understanding of graph theory and its applications in other domains.


  • Install NetworkX: Before using the NetworkX library, make sure your Python environment has it installed. Installing it requires the pip command: pip install networkx.

  • Import the Library: In order to use the NetworkX library's classes and functions in your Python script, you must import the NetworkX library. You can now utilise NetworkX in your code thanks to this.

  • Create an Empty Graph: To begin, use NetworkX to initialise an empty graph object. The canvas on which you build your Tutte Graph will be this graph.

  • Include Nodes: Nodes in a Tutte Graph represent distinct points or things. Using the add_node method with either the node's label or an integer number, you can add nodes to the graph one at a time.

  • Edges to Add: Tutte Edges, or the connections between nodes, are what give graphs their characteristic shape. By utilising the add_edge method to add edges between nodes, you can create these relationships.

  • Visualise the Graph: You can use NetworkX's built-in drawing features to view a visual depiction of the Tutte Graph. Although optional, this stage aids in comprehension and analysis.

  • Analyse the Tutte Graph: After the graph has been generated, you may use a variety of graph algorithms and functions offered by NetworkX to investigate and examine its features.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void addEdge(vector<vector<int>>& adjList, int u, int v) {

void visualizeGraph(const vector<vector<int>>& adjList) {
   cout << "Graph Visualization:" << endl;
   for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); ++i) {
      cout << "Node " << i << " is connected to: ";
      for (int j : adjList[i]) {
         cout << j << " ";
      cout << endl;

int main() {
   int numNodes = 5;
   vector<vector<int>> adjList(numNodes);

   addEdge(adjList, 0, 1);
   addEdge(adjList, 0, 2);
   addEdge(adjList, 1, 2);
   addEdge(adjList, 1, 3);
   addEdge(adjList, 3, 4);


   return 0;


Graph Visualization:
Node 0 is connected to: 1 2 
Node 1 is connected to: 0 2 3 
Node 2 is connected to: 0 1 
Node 3 is connected to: 1 4 
Node 4 is connected to: 3 

Graph Embedding

The process of converting the complex network data of the Tutte Graph into lower-dimensional vector representations is referred to as "graph embedding" in the context of "Python NetworkX - Tutte Graph". When using machine learning algorithms for tasks like node categorization and link prediction, this technique preserves crucial graph properties. Tutte Graphs can be used with graph embedding methods like node2vec or GraphSAGE in Python NetworkX. Researchers and practitioners can acquire important insights and make data-driven decisions in a variety of real-world applications thanks to the efficient analysis and pattern recognition that the resulting embeddings provide in big graphs.


  • Start by importing the necessary libraries, such as NetworkX for manipulating graphs and the selected graph embedding library (such as node2vec or GraphSAGE).

  • Use NetworkX to generate the Tutte Graph. This entails specifying nodes, edges, and their connections in accordance with the particular issue area.

  • To improve the embedding performance, preprocess the graph data, such as node properties or edge weights, depending on the characteristics of the Tutte Graph and the chosen embedding technique.

  • Produce low-dimensional vector representations of each node in the Tutte Graph using the chosen graph embedding technique (such as node2vec or GraphSAGE).

  • Consider using assessment metrics like node classification or link prediction accuracy to rate the quality of the embeddings. By doing this, the embeddings are guaranteed to include pertinent graph features.

  • To extract useful information from the Tutte Graph, use the learned graph embeddings for a variety of downstream tasks including node classification, connection prediction, or clustering.

  • Analyse the results of the graph embedding and use them to make data-driven decisions or to acquire a deeper comprehension of the structure and behaviour of the Tutte Graph.


In summary, Python NetworkX is an effective tool for modelling and examining complex networks and graphs. The "Tutte Graph" feature in NetworkX provides special insights into planar graphs with triangle- or quadrilateral-shaped faces. Large-scale graph analysis and pattern identification are made possible by graph embedding techniques like node2vec, which improve understanding of Tutte Graphs. In graph theory, combinatorial optimisation, and algorithm design, Tutte graphs are essential tools. Real-world network issues can be overcome with the use of their properties, such as planarity, uniform degree, and face structure. Utilising NetworkX's features allows academics to delve into the vast world of graph theory and its many useful applications.

Updated on: 04-Aug-2023


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