Python for IoT Applications: Controlling and Monitoring Devices

Being passionate enthusiasts of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, we find ourselves constantly astounded by the immense possibilities this field presents. IoT has revolutionized our interaction with the world by providing the ability to connect and control devices remotely. In this regard, Python has emerged as a pivotal language that facilitates these functionalities. In this article, we will explore Python for IoT applications, with a specific focus on its capacity to control and monitor devices. Come along as we uncover the immense power of Python in the realm of IoT.

Python has earned its reputation as the preferred language for countless IoT developers due to its versatility and simplicity. Its extensive collection of libraries and frameworks effortlessly facilitates the process of connecting, communicating, and controlling devices. Let us begin by delving into how Python can effectively control devices within an IoT ecosystem.

Controlling Devices with Python

When it comes to controlling devices with Python, we depend on libraries that offer the essential functionality to interact with hardware components like sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers. Among the well-known libraries for device control, GPIO Zero stands out as a popular choice. It greatly simplifies the task of working with General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins, particularly on platforms such as the Raspberry Pi.

To begin, we need to import the GPIO Zero library and the sleep function from the time module, which will allow us to introduce delays in our code. Here's how it looks 

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

LED_PIN = 17


In the provided example, we utilize the RPi.GPIO library to command the GPIO pins of a Raspberry Pi. By configuring pin 17 as an output, we are able to exert control over an LED connected to that pin. In this scenario, the LED is turned on for a duration of 2 seconds before being subsequently turned off.

Monitoring Devices with Python

When it comes to IoT applications, monitoring devices and collecting data from sensors play a crucial role. Python provides a wide range of libraries and tools that enable us to retrieve sensor data, analyze it, and take appropriate actions based on the results. Let's dive into a detailed explanation of monitoring devices with Python, accompanied by a code example.

In this example, we aim to monitor the temperature using a temperature sensor and send an alert if it surpasses a predefined threshold. To achieve this, we will leverage the Adafruit_DHT library to retrieve temperature data from the sensor and employ the smtplib library to send email notifications when necessary.

To begin, the essential libraries must be imported 

import Adafruit_DHT
import smtplib

Next, we define the pin to which the temperature sensor is connected and the threshold temperature that will trigger the alert 


The SENSOR_PIN variable represents the GPIO pin to which the temperature sensor is connected. Adjust this value according to your setup. The ALERT_THRESHOLD variable sets the temperature limit for notification. To read the temperature from the sensor, we use the Adafruit_DHT.read_retry() function 

humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(Adafruit_DHT.DHT22, SENSOR_PIN)

In our setup, the SENSOR_PIN variable represents the GPIO pin connected to our temperature sensor. Customize this value based on your Raspberry Pi or microcontroller configuration to ensure proper alignment with your temperature sensor's pin.

Now, let's proceed with the logic to check if the temperature exceeds the threshold and send an email alert if necessary −

if temperature is not None:
    print(f"Temperature: {temperature}°C")
    if temperature > ALERT_THRESHOLD:
        sender = ""
        receiver = ""
        message = f"Temperature is above the threshold! Current temperature: {temperature}°C"
        smtp_server = ""
        smtp_port = 587
        smtp_obj = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port)
        smtp_obj.login("username", "password")
        smtp_obj.sendmail(sender, receiver, message)
    print("Failed to retrieve temperature data")

In this example, we use the Adafruit_DHT library to read temperature data from a DHT22 sensor connected to the Raspberry Pi. We then check if the temperature exceeds the threshold and send an email alert using the smtplib library. Python's extensive library ecosystem makes integrating various sensors and devices into an IoT system easy, enabling us to monitor and respond to changes in real time.

Python and Cloud Services

Python's compatibility with cloud services enhances its capabilities in IoT applications. Leading platforms like AWS and Azure offer extensive support for Python, enabling integration and scalability. With Python, we can effortlessly collect, process, and analyze data from IoT devices in the cloud. Additionally, Python empowers us to utilize cloud-based machine learning services, enabling the development of intelligent IoT systems that make data-driven decisions. The combination of Python and cloud services unlocks a world of possibilities for building robust, scalable, and intelligent IoT solutions.


As an example, let's imagine a scenario where we gather sensor data from multiple devices and perform analysis using AWS IoT Core and AWS Lambda. To illustrate this integration, here's a code snippet that demonstrates the process 

import json
import boto3

client = boto3.client('iot-data', region_name='us-west-2')

data = {
    'device_id': 'device1',
    'temperature': 25.5,
    'humidity': 55.2

response = client.publish(

print(f"Published sensor data. Message ID: {response['MessageId']}")

In this example, we use the boto3 library, the official AWS SDK for Python, to publish sensor data to an MQTT topic in AWS IoT Core. The data can then be consumed by AWS Lambda functions for further processing or stored in a database for analysis.


In summary, Python has become a leading choice for IoT applications, offering a user-friendly platform to control and monitor devices. Libraries like GPIO Zero, pySerial, and Adafruit_DHT simplify hardware interaction, making device control easy. Python's compatibility with cloud services like AWS IoT Core and Azure enhances its capabilities, enabling scalable and smart IoT systems. Whether automating tasks, gathering sensor data, or integrating with cloud platforms, Python empowers developers to unlock the full potential of IoT. With Python, there are endless opportunities to create innovative and interconnected applications.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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