Why IoT Devices Require Chip-to-Cloud Security?

Do you know that most IoT products out there are simply not secure? Surprisingly, they are the main offenders responsible for the recent rise in cybercrime. A staggering 2.9 billion cyber incidents occurred in the first half of 2019 alone according to one report. And guess what the researchers identified as the leading cause? The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) along with Windows SMB!

But don't worry; we have the ideal answer to these issues. The future of secure IoT lies in chip-to-cloud technology, offering unparalleled decentralized protection to all your smart devices. Are you ready to join the revolution and take control of IoT security?

Let's explore how chip-to-cloud IoT is emerging as a game-changing approach to creating a secure & interconnected digital world.

What’s Wrong with Current IoT Security?

The IoT revolution is here, but so are the cyber threats that come with it. With an estimated 50 billion internet-connected devices worldwide by 2030, it's crucial to address the current security shortcomings.

Here's what's wrong with the current approach to IoT security −

  • Lack of processing power − Most IoT devices cannot run onboard security tools, leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks.

  • Default passwords − Adopters often neglect to change factory-default passwords, making it easy for hackers to guess and access sensitive information.

  • Inexperienced users − The relative immaturity of the technology can lead to inexperienced users misconfiguring networks and settings, creating potential vulnerabilities.

  • Malware infection − Despite limited computational power, IoT devices can still be infected with malware, offering hackers an unguarded backdoor into facility intranets and corporate networks.

IT experts may attempt to isolate and hide IoT devices, but this doesn't solve the fundamental issue of IoT security. It's time to rethink how the chips in IoT products communicate with each other and the internet to create more robust security measures. With the right approach, we can secure the IoT revolution and unlock its full potential.

IoT Security: The Importance of Chip-to-Cloud Connectivity

Amid the pandemic, Alibaba invested over $28 billion in cloud architecture to counter the surging demand for software businesses. As enterprises continue to transform and rely on connected and IoT devices, the implementation of enterprise computing based on the cloud plays a crucial role in enhancing connectivity technologies. However, without proper security measures, these devices are vulnerable to cyber threats, making chip-to-cloud connectivity vital for the future of IoT.

Impeccable Control & Supervision

It is essential to secure the link to the cloud for IoT devices, but it's not enough. Proper management and supervision of the devices are also crucial for optimal security. Chip-to-cloud technology is a unique solution that allows the creation of secure-by-design devices utilizing energy-efficient microchips to stay always connected to the cloud.

Implementing Chip-to-Cloud Technology

Corporate giants like Amazon and Microsoft are leading the way in implementing chip-to-cloud technology to protect users from cyber threats. The deployment of processor-based security solutions such as the Pluton processor by Microsoft is already in use in Xbox and Azure. Still, rapid deployment is necessary to ensure the security of IoT devices.

The Power of Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure's implementation is a key player in chip-to-cloud technology. Azure Sphere in the cloud embeds a private key that enables asymmetric encryption and authenticates devices with paired public keys during manufacturing. Starbucks, an international coffee chain, has deployed Microsoft Azure in all its chains, embedding public secure keys within a secure MCU/MPU backed by its Pluton security subsystems.

The Future of IoT Security

With the increasing demand for connected devices, the importance of chip-to-cloud technology in securing IoT devices is paramount. The integration of state-of-the-art security measures and proper management and supervision of devices will revolutionize IoT security and prevent cyber threats.

How to Secure Your IoT Devices in the Post-Quantum Era

Are you worried about the security of your IoT devices in the face of rapidly advancing quantum computing? You're not alone! The encryption systems that currently keep your devices safe may not be enough to ward off cybercriminals armed with powerful quantum computers.

But fear not! Everyone tries hard to make their IoT devices safe & secure. The Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG), a quantum-driven semiconductor design that can be incorporated into current manufacturing methods, is one such remedy.

Another option is to increase the amount of memory available for cryptography within the Root of Trust to at least 256kb, which should be secure enough for the post-quantum world.

Additionally, symmetric encryption, which doesn't require keys to be sent in the open where quantum algorithms could potentially break them, is also a viable solution. With the implementation of symmetric crypto accelerators, your IoT devices can remain protected even in a post-quantum world.

Don't let quantum computing leave your IoT devices vulnerable. Take steps to secure them now with these cutting-edge solutions!


Security is crucial in the IoT environment, and the existing method is insufficient. The prevalence of linked gadgets has increased the possibility of cyber assaults. The solution lies in chip-to-cloud technology, which offers a decentralized approach to security that is unparalleled. The implementation of this technology will revolutionize IoT security and prevent cyber threats. We can make sure that our IoT devices are secure in the face of the developing quantum computing era with the help of the extra layer of post-quantum security solutions. It is time to take control of IoT security and join the revolution toward a more interconnected and secure digital world.

Updated on: 17-May-2023


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