Placeholders in Tensorflow

TensorFlow is a widely-used platform for creating and training machine learning models, when designing a model in TensorFlow, you may need to create placeholders which are like empty containers that will later be filled with data during runtime. These placeholders are important because they allow your model to be more flexible and efficient.

In this article, we'll dive into the world of TensorFlow placeholders, what they are, and how they can be used to create better machine learning models.

What are placeholders in Tensorflow?

In TensorFlow, placeholders are a special type of tensor used to supply real data to the model during its execution. When constructing a TensorFlow model, it's common to create a computational graph that outlines the model's structure and operations. However, for the graph to be executed, actual data values must be provided. Placeholders act as containers that hold these values until they are needed during the computation.

Think of placeholders as empty variables that will be filled with data later on. They are defined with a specific data type and shape that represent the expected input. When the time comes to execute the model, we can input data into the placeholders using a feed_dict dictionary. This dictionary maps the placeholders to the corresponding actual data values. To execute the computational graph with the supplied input data, the feed_dict dictionary is passed as an argument to the method.

Why are placeholders used?

Placeholders are crucial for creating adaptable TensorFlow models. They enable us to handle various input shapes and sizes, making the models more versatile and resilient in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, placeholders can optimize memory utilization by allowing us to load data in smaller batches rather than all at once. Overall, placeholders are a powerful tool for building efficient machine-learning models with TensorFlow.

Explain in 199 words Why are placeholders used?

How placeholders can be used to create better machine-learning models?

Placeholders can be used to create better machine learning models by allowing us to easily feed in different types and sizes of data during runtime. They enable handling various input shapes and sizes, making models more flexible. Placeholders also optimize memory usage by loading data in smaller batches.

Follow the steps given below for the program that shows how placeholders can be used to create a better machine-learning on a dataset we will be using models simple TensorFlow model that performs linear regression as a machine-learning model −

  • Import the necessary libraries, including TensorFlow.

  • Define the model's parameters: a weight matrix W and a bias vector b.

  • Define the linear regression model using the linear_regression function decorated with tf.function. This function performs the matrix multiplication of the inputs with W and adds b to obtain the predictions.

  • Define the loss function using the loss_fn function decorated with tf.function. This function calculates the mean squared difference between the predictions and the targets.

  • Define the optimizer, which is Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with a learning rate of 0.01.

  • Create a dataset with random input data x_data and corresponding target data y_data. The dataset is created using and is batched into smaller batches of size 10.

  • Start the training loop, consisting of 1000 epochs. Within each epoch, iterate over the batches of the dataset.

  • For each batch, use tf.GradientTape() to record the operations for automatic differentiation. Compute the loss using the recorded operations and the loss_fn function. Calculate the gradients of the loss with respect to the parameters (W and b).

  • Apply the gradients to the parameters using the optimizer's apply_gradients() method to update the model.

  • After training, create a test input x_test with values ranging from 100 to 109. Pass this test input to the linear_regression function to obtain the predicted output y_test.

  • Print the predicted output y_test.

Below is the program by following the above steps of how placeholders can be used to create a simple TensorFlow model that performs linear regression on a dataset −


import tensorflow as tf

# Define the model's parameters
W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, 1]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]))

# Define the linear regression model
def linear_regression(inputs):
   return tf.matmul(inputs, W) + b

# Define the loss function
def loss_fn(inputs, targets):
   predictions = linear_regression(inputs)
   return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(predictions - targets))

# Define the optimizer
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.01)

# Create a dataset with random data
x_data = tf.random.uniform(shape=(100, 1))
y_data = 2 * x_data

dataset =, y_data)).batch(10)

# Train the model
for epoch in range(1000):
   for batch, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(dataset):
      with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
         loss_value = loss_fn(inputs, targets)

      gradients = tape.gradient(loss_value, [W, b])
      optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, [W, b]))

# Evaluate the model
x_test = tf.constant([[i] for i in range(100, 110)], dtype=tf.float32)
y_test = linear_regression(x_test)


 [205.9983 ]
 [217.99821]], shape=(10, 1), dtype=float32)

The program above showcases a linear regression model training using the API for efficient data handling and batching. It demonstrates the usage of TensorFlow functions and gradients computation with tf.GradientTape(), and optimization with SGD. Finally, it evaluates the trained model by making predictions on new test data.


In conclusion, placeholders in TensorFlow provide a powerful tool for handling dynamic data input during runtime. They enable the creation of more flexible and efficient machine-learning models by accommodating various input shapes and sizes. By acting as empty containers, placeholders enhance model adaptability and contribute to improved performance and memory optimization.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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