When S02 gas is passed through saturated solution of H2S, which of the following reaction occurs?
(a) $SO_2 + 2H_2S → 2H_20 + 3S$
(b) $SO_2 + 2H_2S → H_20 + 3S$
(c) $SO_2 + H_2S → H_2O + S$
(d) $SO_2 + H_2O → SO_3 + H_2$

Correct Answer: (a) $SO_2 + 2H_2S → 2H_20 + 3S$

Explanation: When SO2 gas is passed through saturated solution of H2S, the following reaction occurs:  $SO_2 + 2H_2S → 2H_20 + 3S↓$ 

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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