What are the two types of electric charges?

Electric charge is defined as: "It is the basic property of matter carried by some elementary particles (electron & proton) that cause it to experience a force when kept in an electric or magnetic field. 

It is also defined as, the electrical property of matter that exists because of excess or deficiency of electrons.

Electric charges are of two types:

1. Positive charges When a material losses electrons then the number of protons increase in the material, then there is a net positive electrical charge.

2. Negative charges - When a material gains electrons then the number of electrons increase in the material, then there is a net negative electrical charge.

Two objects that have an excess of one type of charge exert a repulsion force on each other when they are relatively close together. 

Two objects that have excess opposite charges, one positively charged and the other negatively charged, attract each other when relatively close. 

In other words, like charges repel each other while unlike charges attract each other.

The SI Unit of Electric charge is Coulomb.

Electric Charge Formula is given as:

$Q = I × t$

where Q = total charge, I = the amount of current and t = time.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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