Make the greatest and the smallest $4$-digit numbers by using any digit twice: $1,\ 8,\ 7$.

Given: Digits: $1,\ 8,\ 7$.

To do: To make the greatest and the smallest $4$-digit numbers by using any one digit twice. 


Given digits are: : $1,\ 8,\ 7$.

To get the greatest $4-$ digit number we put the digit in descending order. $i.e.\ 8>7>1$

Thus the greatest $4-$ digit number $=8871$

Similarly to get the smallest $4-$ digit number we should put the digits in

ascending order. $i.e.\ 1<7<8$

So, the smallest $4-$ digit number $=1178$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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