How many 6 digits numbers are there?

Given :

The given statement is 6 digit numbers.

To do :

We have to find the number of 6 digit numbers.

Solution :

The least 6-digit number $= 100,000$

The greatest 6-digit number $= 999,999$

We can consider it as an arithmetic progression, first term: $a= 100,000$.

Last term $= 999,999$

common difference : d $= 1$

Formula for nth term $= a+ (n-1)d$

$999,999 = a+ (n-1)d$


$999,999 = 100,000 + (n-1)$

$n = 900,000$


Therefore, the number of 6 digit numbers is 900000.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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