How Many HTML Colors are There?

Hexadecimal notation is used by HTML to express colours, providing a wide range of options. A staggering 16,777,216 different colours can be expressed in total. Three sets of two-digit hexadecimal integers that represent the intensity of the RGB (red, green, and blue) components are combined to create colours in HTML.

Examples include pure red (#FF0000), green (#00FF00), and blue (#0000FF). Various RGB values provide a wide range of colour options. This extensive colour palette enables web developers and designers to create aesthetically stunning and varied web sites, enhancing the user experience as a whole. They can captivate users with aesthetically beautiful designs and compelling visual components when they have this much creative flexibility.

HTML Colors using Hexadecimal Notation

Hexadecimal notation serves as a representation of HTML colors, offering an extensive and diverse palette of choices. Each color is defined by a six-character code, utilizing the RGB model. The first two characters signify the intensity of red, followed by two characters for green, and concluding with two characters for blue. With hexadecimal ranging from 00 to FF, each color component possesses 256 distinct levels of intensity.

As a result, the realm of feasible HTML colors encompasses an astonishing 16,777,216 possibilities, spanning from #000000 to #FFFFFF. This vast spectrum of colors grants web developers and designers the means to create visually captivating and singular web pages, enriching the overall user experience with an abundance of color choices. This creative freedom empowers them to engage users through aesthetically appealing designs and compelling visual elements, ensuring an immersive and captivating online experience.

How Many Color Names are there in HTML?

In HTML colors have predefined color names or they are indicated with RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA or HSLA values.

Currently there are 140 HTML color names, which are supported in modern browsers. The primary color names are black, grey, blue, red, pink, yellow, orange, brown, green and purple. Further these color have their various shades name.

Primary Color Names And Codes

How Do I Use HTML Color Names in HTML Code?

You only need to use the colour name explicitly to use HTML colour names in your HTML. How to utilise HTML colour names in both HTML and CSS

HTML − You can use the "style" attribute and set the "colour" property to the appropriate colour name to apply a colour name to an HTML element. For instance −


<p style="color: red;">This text will be displayed in red color.</p>
<p style="color: blue;">This text will be displayed in blue color.</p>

Do All Web Browsers Recognize HTML Color Names?

The common HTML colour names are recognised by the majority of modern web browsers. The HTML and CSS specifications include these colour designations, therefore the majority of browsers have long accepted them. The function of colour names like "red," "blue," and "green" is constant across browsers, giving users confidence in their use.

Some really outdated or uncommon browsers, however, might not fully handle all HTML colour names. In these situations, the browser will make an attempt to generate the closest colour approximation it can, but testing your web pages in a variety of browsers is always a good idea to assure consistent display.

HTML colour names are trustworthy and secure to use for the vast majority of consumers, particularly those using contemporary browsers. Additionally, using colour names can improve the readability and clarity of your code, especially for simple aesthetic requirements.

Different Ways of Using HTML Color Names in HTML Code

Applying color to text

<p style="color: red;">This text will be displayed in red color.</p>
<p style="color: blue;">This text will be displayed in blue color.</p>

Setting background Color

<div style="background-color: yellow;">
   This div has a yellow background color.

Using Inline styles with other HTML elements

<h1 style="color: green;">This is a green heading.</h1>
<a href="#" style="color: purple;">This link has a purple color.</a>

Defining a custom CSS class with color name

   .custom-text {
      color: teal;
<p class="custom-text">This text is styled with a custom color named "teal."</p>

Importance of HTML Colors

  • HTML colours improve the aesthetic attractiveness of websites, attracting users' attention and making them more engaging. Considerate colour selections produce a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere.

  • Colours have a significant role in branding efforts. Utilising a brand's colours consistently across various web platforms helps to enhance their identification and awareness.

  • Colours affect how people feel and perceive things. The user experience can be enhanced by carefully choosing colours, which can also make content more accessible and navigation easier.

  • Colours can be used to communicate information and messages. Web designers and developers may draw users' attention to crucial items and highlight them by using colour efficiently.

  • By utilising accessible colours and ensuring colour contrast, content may be easily accessed and understood by all users, including those who have visual impairments.

  • The surfing experience is made more intuitive by dynamic colour changes that occur in response to user inputs (click, hover).

  • Careful use of colour creates a visual hierarchy that highlights important material and directs viewers through the website's navigation.


In summary, HTML colours play a crucial part in the creation and design of websites, allowing for a vast range of options thanks to hexadecimal notation. With a mind-boggling 16,777,216 different colours available, web developers and designers have limitless creative freedom. These hues are essential for brand recognition and communication in addition to improving the visual appeal of web pages. A well-designed colour scheme enhances usability, accessibility, and interactivity, creating engrossing and intriguing web experiences. Web designers may develop harmonious and aesthetically pleasing designs that effectively direct people and have a lasting effect on their online interactions by effectively utilising HTML colour names and colour codes. Overall, HTML colours provide vibrancy and emotion to the digital world, making them a fundamental component in the art of web design.

Updated on: 18-Aug-2023


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