Given below are some of the modes of transport. Arrange them in sequence in which they were first used.
aeroplane, horse, maglev train, sailing boat, steam engine train

According to the first use of the modes of transport, the correct sequence will be- 

1. Horse

2. Sailing boat

3. Steam engine train

4. Aeroplane

5. Maglev train


 Horses and Camels are used for transportation from 4000 BC to 3000 BC.

In 3100BC, the sailing boat was invented by Egyptians.

In the 17th and 18th century, many new modes of transportation were invented such as bicycles, trains, motor cars, etc.

In 1902, the Wright Brothers were the first to develop sustained and powered aircraft

The first maglev train was invented In 1984.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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