An open box of length $ 1.5 \mathrm{~m} $. breadth $ 1 \mathrm{~m} $, and height $1 \mathrm{~m} $ is to be made for use on trolley for carrying garden waste. How much sheet metal will be required to make this box? The inside and outside surface of the box is to be painted with rustproof paint at a rate of 150 rupees per sq.m. How much will it cost to paint the box?


Length of the box $=1.5\ m$.

Breadth of the box $=1\ m$.

Height of the box $=1\ m$.

To do:

We have to find:

(i) The area of the metal sheet required for making the box.

(ii) The cost of painting the box at a rate of Rs. 150 per sq.m.


(i) Area of the sheet required $=2lb+2bh+2lh−lb$  (It is open at the top) 




$=6.5\ m^2$

ii) Cost of the painting per square metre$= Rs.\ 150$.

It is given that the inside and outside surface of the box is to be painted with rust-proof paint.


Cost of painting the box $= Rs.\ 2\times(6.5\times150)$

$=Rs.\ 1950$.

Hence, it costs Rs. 1950 to paint the open box of $6.5\ m^2$ from inside and outside with rust-proof paint.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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